Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Which Way Did He Go, George #3

THIS SATURDAY: "Geek the Library" November 23rd, at the Library - Bring us your tech "?'s"

We will be closed Nov 28 and 29 for Thanksgiving Holidays.




Genealogy tip for today: Major Events

When a family or family member comes up missing what do you do to look for them? This week we have been talking about some possible things that could affect a move, and ways to track them down.

Major events, family: Birth of children, a wedding, a death in the family especially a spouse or other major family events may tell you locations where your family lived if you can’t find them otherwise. Check the location of these documents. Where did the adult children live when a parent passed away? These will be places where the family may have moved to, even if for a short time. Again, as we mentioned yesterday, see who else is named on the records. Witnesses and godparents are apt to be relatives or very close family friends. They didn’t use just any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Where did they live?

Major events, history: Weather can be a strong factor. Drought drove the Irish to America during the Potato famine. Hurricane Katrina drove many from their homes some of whom never returned. A flood, a tornado, or any other natural disaster or weather related event may have caused people to relocate. In an event like this, records can also be totally lost.  Go back to the history book, newspapers, even a local history of events and you may find that such a thing did happen. If it was during your ancestor’s lifetime, it may have had a huge impact on them as well. Storms, drought, bad economy caused loss of jobs. People had to move where they could find work. sometimes, in the event of disasters, folks would move in with relatives, temporarily or permanently. Look for grown children, parents, siblings - anyone that would have their own place and see if your family showed up there. Check the next census or city directory, real estate documents or other. Maybe you'll be lucky and find them again.


This topic has turned into quite a discussion. We’ll wrap it up Thursday with that promised topic of the Economy, and throw in some Family Lore as well.

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is helpful in anyway.



Diocletian is proclaimed emperor of Numerian in Asia Minor by his soldiers. He had been the commander of the emperor's bodyguard.
Zumbi dos Palmares, the Brazilian leader of a 100-year-old rebel slave group, is killed in an ambush.
Sweden's 17-year-old King Charles XII defeats the Russians at Narva.
In Cheyenne, Wyoming, 42-year-old hired gunman Tom Horn is hanged for the murder of 14-year-old Willie Nickell.
Bulgaria proclaims its neutrality in the First World War.
Mrs. Glen Hyde becomes the first woman to dare the Grand Canyon rapids in a scow (a flat-bottomed boat that is pushed along with a pole).
Japan and China reject the League of Council terms for Manchuria at Geneva.
U.S. Army and Marine soldiers attack the Japanese-held islands of Makin and Tarawa, respectively, in the Central Pacific.
The Nazi war crime trials begin at Nuremberg.
Princess Elizabeth (future Queen Elizabeth II) marries Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in Westminster Abbey.
U.S. troops push to the Yalu River, within five miles of Manchuria.
The Maryland National Guard is ordered desegregated.
President John F. Kennedy bars religious or racial discrimination in federally funded housing.
U.S. census reports the population at 200 million.
The United States announces it will give Turkey $35 million for farmers who agree to stop growing opium poppies.
The United States files an antitrust suit to break up ATT.
South Africa backs down on a plan to install black rule in neighboring Namibia.
Microsoft Windows 1.0 released.
Fire in England's Windsor Castle causes over £50 million in damages.
First module of the International Space Station, Zarya, is launched.
Dow Jones Industrial Average sinks to lowest level in 11 years in response to failures in the US financial system.

Selma Lagerdorf

Selma Lagerdorf, Swedish novelist (The Story of Gosta Berling).
Edwin Hubble, American astronomer who proved that there are other galaxies far from our own.
Alistair Cooke, English journalist, television host.
Thomas McGrath, poet and novelist.
Nadine Gordimer, Nobel Prize-winning South African novelist.
Robert F. Kennedy, U.S. Attorney General, New York senator and brother of President John F. Kennedy. He was assassinated while running for president.
Don DeLillo, author (White Noise, Libra).
Dick Smothers, actor, singer; half of the Smothers Brothers whose controversial comedy-variety TV show challenged censorship boundaries in the 1960s, finally resulting in cancellation in 1969.
Joe Biden, politician; US Senator from Delaware (1973–2009); President Barack Obama's vice-president, beginning in 2009
Duane Allman, singer, songwriter, musician; co-founder and primary leader of the The Allman Brothers Band until his death in 1971.
Wan Yanhai, Chinese activist.
Dierks Bentley, country singer, songwriter ("What Was I Thinkin'", "Every Mile a Memory").








adjective: Cowardly or timid.



In earlier times, the liver was considered to be the seat of courage. Hence, lacking blood, a white liver, indicated lack of courage. Earliest documented use: 1616.



"A story of twins -- one bold and the other a lily-livered cop."
Malathi Rangarajan; Brothers and the Baddies; The Hindu (Chennai, India); Sep 25, 2012.

Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in. -Alan Alda, actor and director (b. 1936)



Today’s Recipe

Holiday Cooking




"This is a sure-fired winner with any beef lover. It takes a little while to prepare, so be patient, but trust me, you will love this. The recipe yields the most tender and flavorful meat imaginable, and also has great eye appeal."


15 pounds charcoal briquets
2 pounds hickory wood chips
1 cup bourbon whiskey
1 (4 pound) standing rib roast, bone in
1/2 cup steak seasoning


Start at least 10 pounds of the charcoal in a torpedo style smoker. You need a fairly hot fire. Fill the secondary pan with cold water, and wait for the coals to turn white. Soak hickory chips in bourbon with enough water to cover. Rub the roast liberally with steak seasoning, being sure to coat all surfaces.
When the coals are ready, place the roast on the top grate. Throw a few handfuls of soaked hickory chips onto the fire, and close the lid. Check the fire every 45 minutes or so, adding more charcoal as needed to keep the fire hot. Every time you check the fire, add more wood chips. Cook for 8 to 10 hours, or to your desired doneness. Use a meat thermometer to check the roast. The meat tastes best when rare: 145 degrees F (65 degrees C), but cook to your liking.


Now You Know!

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