Wednesday, March 19, 2014

SHORTIE TIP – Non-Genealogical Resources

Genealogy tip for the day: SHORTIE TIP – Non-Genealogical Resources

Yesterday I told you about the West Point Atlas of America Wars that you can use when researching your ancestors’ military history. Today I want to tell you about another book that may help you in your research about your relative.

Railroading was the height of technology in its day! Have you noticed how we use terms we are familiar with to describe new things we do not understand? In the day of equine transportation this new thing was called the Iron Horse!  As a result the railroading industry took off like a ‘shot in the dark’!

The book that I came across is the “Railroad Maps of North America: the first Hundred Years” put out by the Library of Congress. It is full of map replicas, dates, and write up about the railroad being illustrated and photographs.

I had three uncles that worked for the railroads in New York State. This would be an excellent source to go to for illustrating the railroad lines they worked for.

Always keep an eye out for something you may come across, sometimes unexpectedly. They will enhance and flesh out your families beyond the bones of just dates and places. You may be surprised what you can apply to your research, so educating yourself on any topic is always a good thing.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.


Are you a Lord of the Rings lover? We are having a LOTR marathon starting March 22!! Don't miss it!

Summer Reading Program will be starting soon. Watch for announcements on that and registration information. This is for ages Adults through young children! Come Join Us - and explore new worlds.

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William III of Orange

Today in History
March 19


The French explorer La Salle is murdered in by his own men while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi, along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

On the death of William III of Orange, Anne Stuart, sister of Mary, succeeds to the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland.

Boston is incorporated as a city.

Jim Currie opens fire on the actors Maurice Barrymore and Ben Porter near Marshall, Texas. His shots wound Barrymore and kill Porter.

The U.S. Senate ratifies the Cuban treaty, gaining naval bases in Guantanamo and Bahia Honda.

The First Aero Squadron takes off from Columbus, NM to join Gen. John J. Pershing and his Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in Mexico.

The Adamson Act, eight hour day for railroad workers, is ruled constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Congress authorizes Daylight Savings Time.

The U.S. Senate rejects the Versailles Treaty for the second time.

U.S. troops are rushed to Tegucigalpa as rebel forces take the Honduran capital.

The state of Nevada legalizes gambling.

The British fire on 20,000 Muslims in India, killing 23.

The Soviet Union signs a pact of assistance with Mongolia against Japan.

The German 352nd Infantry Division deploys along the coast of France.

Adolf Hitler orders a scorched-earth policy for his retreating German armies in the west and east.

Chiang Kai-Shek's government forces take control of Yenan, the former headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Soviet People's Council signs the constitution of the German Democratic Republic, and declares that the North Atlantic Treaty is merely a war weapon.

In Costa Rica, President John F. Kennedy and six Latin American presidents pledge to fight Communism.

Congo President Marien Ngouabi is killed by a suicide commando.

One technician is killed and two others are injured during a routine test on space shuttle Columbia.
Born on March 19

William Bradford, governor of Plymouth colony for 30 years.

Tobias George Smollett, satirical author and physician (Roderick Random, Humphrey Clinker).

David Livingston, explorer found by Arthur Stanley in Africa.

Sir Richard Burton, English explorer.

Wyatt Earp, U.S. marshal.

Alfred von Tirpitz, Prussian admiral who commanded the German fleet in early World War I.

William Jennings Bryan, orator, statesman, known as "The Great Communicator."

Sarah Gertrude Millina, South African writer (The Dark River, God's Stepchildren).

Earl Warren, governor of California, later 14th Supreme Court Chief Justice.

John J. Sirica, U.S. Federal Judge who ruled on Watergate issues.

Adolf Eichman, Nazi Gestapo officer.

Adolf Galland, German Luftwaffe pilot.

Brent Scrowcroft, Lt. Gen. (USAF), National Security Advisor to President George H.W. Bush.

Phillip Roth, American novelist and short-story writer (Portnoy's Complaint).

Earl Warren



1. Swollen; congested.
2. Pompous; high-flown.

From Latin turgere (to swell). Earliest documented use: 1620.

"It's not surprising that [Norm Macdonald] would take the wind out of the sails of peers who write turgid, self-important autobiographies ... he has earned attention for his deflating Twitter responses to various celebrity tweets."
Eric Volmers; Norm Macdonald Still Working at His First Love of Standup Comedy; Calgary Herald (Canada); Feb 4, 2014.


It's best to give while your hand is still warm. -Philip Roth, novelist (b. 1933)

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods

1 pound dry ziti pasta
1 onion, chopped
1 pound lean ground beef
2 (26 ounce) jars spaghetti sauce
6 ounces provolone cheese, sliced
1 1/2 cups sour cream
6 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add ziti pasta, and cook until al dente, about 8 minutes; drain.

In a large skillet, brown onion and ground beef over medium heat. Add spaghetti sauce, and simmer 15 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish. Layer as follows: 1/2 of the ziti, Provolone cheese, sour cream, 1/2 sauce mixture, remaining ziti, mozzarella cheese and remaining sauce mixture. Top with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheeses are melted.

Mar 12th Mini Quiche
Mar 13th Red Velvet Waffles, with cream cheese gravy – (I didn’t say they would be healthy!)
Mar 14th Triple Berry Smoothie – not just for breakfast any more.
Healthy recipes:


Now You Know!

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