
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Photo Tip - What's Your Provenance?


The Library will close today at 2:00, Feb 4, 2014.

ATTENTION: Adobe Digital Editions has come out with version 3. However, it will NOT allow you to read books from older versions on your e-reader.  If you have an e-reader, do NOT upgrade to this newer version. If you do, there is no fix to enable you to read the older books.

STAR TREK MARATHON coming! First week of February 1-7, showing movies and episodes - leading up to…

Geek Day 2.8 on Saturday, February 8th. Mark your calendar!!

Do you have a young reader in your house, or a pre-reader? Check out our Tumble Books in our e-resources. They are animated talking picture books for your young'uns, which will teach them to love reading.

Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need. Drop in anytime during those two hours.

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

Captain Kirk

Genealogy tip for the day: Identifying People in Photographs: Tip #5 – Provenance

What you already know about the subjects can go a long way in determining who the people are in a picture. Of course, the further removed in generations, the harder it may be, but not impossible.

The census records, especially 1850 and after can be a big help. They will variously tell you the people’s age, length of marriage, age at marriage, their occupation, and location or address. With these in mind, as you analyze the picture, determine the time period of the picture. Then compare that information with what you can gather from a census record closest to that time period. Maybe from other sources you may know what their faith was, where they worked, or went to school, even what car they drove.

Depending what you find in the picture, draw on the knowledge you have about the family. After all, a photo is a snapshot of your subjects frozen in time, so to speak. What was the provenance or the circumstances at that moment? What does the picture say to you? You may find that the picture is telling you everything you need to know.

Surprisingly, Google Earth can help you maybe. If you know the address of where people lived and it looks like someone’s house in the background – check out Google Earth and see if you can pull up that house. If it hasn't been remodeled you may be able to match the exterior.

With the advent of 911 and the enhanced 911 numbers, sometimes addresses get changed and it may look like someone has moved when they have not. If you have a 911 Administration office locally, they – so I have been told – would be able to give you the information you need. If the former address is very old (several years, even decades), it may take them some time to research it but they should be able to find out for you.

Another round about way would be to locate an old address on an old plat map and compare that with present day plat maps. Then determine what that current address is. How to find these old plat maps probably depends on the state. I know some are found in libraries, others in a local archives office, some may even be at the local court house. A few phone calls should help you track that information down.

If you are fortunate, the house you are looking far has not been torn down for a new shopping center and parking lot. Sometimes, residences were pictured in a local genealogy publication or local history book. So this may be a possibility, as well.

Another option would be websites like or They will give you a whole list of addresses a person has had. However this method will cost you money.

Whatever you do, try thinking outside the box. What may work in one area may not work somewhere else and vice versa. With informal photos, they may be easier to figure out than formal studio pictures.

Websites with more information:
And there are a lot more…

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

February 4

Harun al-Rashid succeeds his older brother the Abbasid Caliph al-Hadi as Caliph of Baghdad.

Richard I, King of England, is freed from captivity in Germany.

The Proclamation of Trent is made.

Shay's Rebellion, an uprising of debt-ridden Massachusetts farmers against the new U.S. government, fails.

France abolishes slavery in her territories and confers slaves to citizens.

Harry Longabaugh is released from Sundance Prison in Wyoming, thereby acquiring the famous nickname, "the Sundance Kid."

After an exchange of gunfire, fighting breaks out between American troops and Filipinos near Manila, sparking the Philippine-American War

The New York Police Department begins finger print identification.

California law segregates Caucasian and Japanese schoolchildren.

Germany decrees British waters as part of the war zone; all ships to be sunk without warning.

French troops take the territories of Offenburg, Appenweier and Buhl in the Ruhr as a part of the agreement ending World War I.

Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurates the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, N.Y.

The United Service Organization (U.S.O.) is formed to cater to armed forces and defense industries.

The Japanese attack the Indian Seventh Army in Burma.

The Big Three, American, British and Soviet leaders, meet in Yalta to discuss the war aims.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee begins televised hearings on the Vietnam War.

Syria withdraws its peacekeeping force in Beirut.

The U.S. Post Office issues a commemorative stamp featuring Sojourner Truth.
Born on February 4

Fernand Leger, French painter.

Jacques Prevert, French poet, screenwriter (The Visitors of the Evening, The Children of Paradise).

Charles Lindbergh, the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Protestant theologian.

Clyde Tombaugh, astronomer, discovered Pluto.

Rosa Lee Parks, civil rights activist.

Betty Friedan, writer, feminist, founded the National Organization of Women in 1966.

Russell Hoban, artist and writer (Bedtime for Frances, The Mouse and His Child).

Robert Coover, novelist & short story writer.

Dan Quayle, vice president under President George H.W. Bush.

Robert Coover



adjective: Shining; brilliant; radiant; splendid.

From Latin resplendere (to shine brightly), from re- (intensive prefix) + splendere (to shine). Earliest documented use: 1440.

"Gilderoy Lockhart was walking onto the stage, resplendent in robes of deep plum."
J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Bloomsbury; 1998.

Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it, but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance. -Charles A. Lindbergh, aviator and author (1902-1974)
Today’s Recipe
February - Chocolate Lover’s Month

  • 8 ounces unsalted butter
  • 12 ounces bread flour
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 ounces granulated sugar
  • 8 ounces light brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 1 ounce whole milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 12 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
Melt the butter in a 2-quart saucepan over low heat. Set aside to cool slightly.
Sift together the flour, salt and baking soda onto a paper plate. Pour the butter into your stand mixer's work bowl. Add the sugar and brown sugar and beat with the paddle attachment on medium speed for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, whisk together the whole egg, the egg yolk, milk and vanilla extract in a measuring cup. Reduce the mixer speed and slowly add the egg mixture. Mix until thoroughly combined, about 30 seconds.
Using the paper plate as a slide, gradually integrate the dry ingredients, stopping a couple of times to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Once the flour is worked in, drop the speed to "stir" and add the chocolate chips. Chill the dough for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and place racks in the top third and bottom third of the oven.
Scoop the dough into 1 1/2-ounce portions onto parchment-lined half sheet pans, 6 cookies per sheet. Bake 2 sheets at a time for 15 minutes, rotating the pans halfway through. Remove from the oven, slide the parchment with the cookies onto a cooling rack and wait at least 5 minutes before devouring.
The darker the sugar you use, the chewier your cookies will be.


Now You Know!

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