
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Photo Tip: Physical Characteristics


The Library IS open today, Wednesday, Feb 5, 2014.

ATTENTION: Adobe Digital Editions has come out with version 3. However, it will NOT allow you to read books from older versions on your e-reader.  If you have an e-reader, do NOT upgrade to this newer version. If you do, there is no fix to enable you to read the older books.

STAR TREK MARATHON coming! First week of February 1-7, showing movies and episodes - leading up to…

Geek Day 2.8 on Saturday, February 8th. Mark your calendar!!

Do you have a young reader in your house, or a pre-reader? Check out our Tumble Books in our e-resources. They are animated talking picture books for your young'uns, which will teach them to love reading.

Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need. Drop in anytime during those two hours.

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

Captain Kirk

'Ear,'Ear! :-)

Genealogy tip for the day: Identifying People in Photographs: Tip #5 – Physical Appearances.

This tip can be the hardest or the easiest to determine the subjects. Again, it partly depends on how well you know the subject.  –Or, if you find some pictures identified, it can help you identify others, especially if there are specific characteristics that stand out: a cane, or wheelchair, a mole or birthmark, or other similar markings.

My mother lost 2 fingers in a factory accident early in her adult life. However, she would just automatically hide or disguise her hand when she knew someone was taking her picture. But I have found some snapshots that caught her unprepared and her hand would be easy to identify. (Course, for myself, I didn’t need to know about her hand as I was very familiar with her looks…) It is this sort of thing that can help you, if you know details such as this about your relative.

There is one thing that is just beginning to be made known that can be a clincher. But so much depends upon it – visibility being the main point. That is The Ear! The ear never changes its shape. It may and will change in size as a person grows, but the ear is unique to every person, just as a finger print, but is much more visible –sorta. The direction of the head and the style of hair or wearing of a hat may prevent identification. But if you can see the ear in one picture that you know the person and you can see the ear in an unknown photo this can be the clincher in identifying your unknown person.

I have a large portrait of a woman in my house that does not have any identification. It was in my parents’ attic and oddly enough I had never seen it …or if I had, I didn’t remember it. I strongly suspect it came from my maternal parents’ place, because we ended up with virtually nothing from the other side. I am pretty certain the picture is my great-great grandfather’s sister – but he had two sisters, so this is where the crux of the matter comes in. I’m not absolutely sure which one. The ear is what has me leaning more towards one than the other. I wouldn’t want to bet my life savings on it, but I am fairly confident of whom the picture is.

So now we have talked about several ways to identify pictures:
          Identify what kind of photo you have and therefore the time period.
          Identify the studio/photographer for time and place     
          Identify the background items or settings
          Identify fashions and hair styles for time period
          Identify facts you know about the subjects
          Identify physical characteristics       

Even as I blog I still learn new things. Here is a website that gives timelines for 19th century photos. It is a perfect reference site for the time periods of different types of photos. I wish I had found it sooner. …The more I look at this website, the more I like what I see. covers the very thing we have been talking about here on our blog. If these clues are unable to help you figure out the mystery, or if you don’t have enough time to analyze them, check out this blog. Caveat-I’ve had no experience with this business, but it discusses some of the same things we have been talking about. See what you think…

Here are more websites with more information:
And there are a lot more…

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

The Lyon

February 5

Henry II of France and Philip of Spain sign the truce of Vaucelles.

A ship from Bristol, the Lyon, arrives with provisions for the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Martinique, a major French base in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies, surrenders to the British.

Sweden recognizes U.S. independence.

The first Pacific Coast newspaper, Oregon Spectator, is published.

Federal forces occupy Jackson, Miss.

The three-day Battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., begins.

The United States and Great Britain sign the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, giving the United States the right to build a canal in Nicaragua but not to fortify it.

U.S. Congress nullifies President Woodrow Wilson's veto of the Immigration Act; literacy tests are required.

The Soviets proclaim separation of church and state.

The Reader's Digest begins publication in New York.

William Larned's steel-framed tennis racquet gets its first test.

American and French troops destroy German forces in the Colmar Pocket in France.

The Soviet Union and Great Britain reject terms for an American trusteeship over Japanese Pacific Isles.

New York adopts three-colored traffic lights.

The Soviets launch Sputnik V, the heaviest satellite to date at 7.1 tons.

U.S. troops divide Viet Cong at Hue while the Saigon government claims they will arm loyal citizens.

Two Apollo 14 astronauts walk on the moon.

It is reported that the United States has agreed to sell 42 F-4 Phantom jets to Israel.

Patty Hearst is kidnapped at gunpoint.

U.S. halts a loan to Chile in protest over human rights abuses.
Born on February 5

John Witherspoon, Declaration of Independence signer.

Sir Robert Peel, British prime minister.

Dwight L. Moody, evangelist, founder of the Moody Bible Institute.

Belle Starr, Western outlaw.

Lafayette Benedict Mendel, biochemist.

Ralph McGill, editor and publisher of the Atlanta Constitution.

Adlai E. Stevenson II, Illinois governor and presidential candidate.

Sir Alan Hodgin, English physiologist and biophysicist.

Robert Hofstadter, physicist who won the Nobel prize in 1961 for his studies of neutrons and protons.

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, longtime New York Times publisher.

Hank Aaron, American hall of fame baseball player.

John Guare, playwright (The House of Blue Leaves).

Hank Aaron



1. A stream of air (or another fluid) forced backwards by a propeller.

2. The area of reduced pressure behind a fast-moving object.
verb tr., intr.:
3. To follow behind a vehicle to take advantage of decreased wind resistance.

From Middle Dutch slippen (to slip), ultimately from the Indo-European root lei-/slei- (slimy), which also gave us slime, lime, slick, slippery, schlep, and oblivion + Old English stream, ultimately from the Indo-European root sreu- (to flow), which also gave us maelstrom, diarrhea, rhythm, and Sarayu (a river in India). Earliest documented use: 1913.

"The owl was so small, in fact, that it kept on tumbling over in the air, buffeted this way and that in the train's slipstream."
J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Bloomsbury; 1999.

A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular. -Adlai Stevenson, governor, ambassador (1900-1965)

Today’s Recipe
February - Chocolate Lover’s Month

  For the Ganache:
  21 ounces bittersweet chocolate
  18 ounces (generous 2 cups) heavy cream
  2 ounces (4 tablespoons) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, softened
  2 ounces (1/4 cup) orange liqueur or raspberry vodka (optional)

  For the Coating:
  3 pounds bittersweet chocolate, chopped
  2 cups Dutch-process cocoa powder, sifted
  2 1/2 cups shredded coconut, toasted
  2 cups nuts, toasted and finely chopped
Chop the chocolate: Use a chef's knife to chop the chocolate as finely as possible; this will help it melt quickly and evenly. Then place it in a medium glass bowl. (Glass retains heat, so the chocolate will stay melted longer.)
Make the ganache: Heat the cream in a small saucepan over medium heat until bubbles form around the edge. Remove from the heat and add about one-fourth of the chocolate; whisk until smooth. Slowly pour the cream mixture over the remaining chocolate in the bowl and let sit until the chocolate melts, about 30 seconds. Puree the melted chocolate with an immersion blender or beat with a whisk until all the lumps disappear and the ganache is smooth. Stir in the butter until smooth, then add liqueur, if desired. (Jacques adds the liqueur last, so the flavor doesn't cook off.)
Pour and set: Line a rimmed baking sheet with plastic wrap, leaving a 2-foot overhang on one side. Pour the ganache onto the baking sheet and spread evenly with a rubber spatula. Fold the plastic wrap back over and press directly onto the surface of the ganache. Let cool at room temperature at least 4 hours or overnight.
For the truffles: Using two teaspoons, scoop small mounds of the ganache onto parchment-lined baking sheets. Set aside until firm enough to roll, about 15 minutes in the refrigerator or 2 hours at room temperature.
Roll into balls: Place the chocolate mounds between both palms, squeeze slightly and roll. Refrigerate until ready to coat.
Temper the chocolate: This is a gentle melting and cooling process that gives chocolate a glossy finish. For the coating, place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water and stir until melted, about 40 minutes. Pour into a clean glass bowl; stir to cool to between 88 degrees and 90 degrees, about 40 minutes. (Jacques recommends a laser thermometer for checking the temperature.)
Dip and coat: Spread out the cocoa powder, coconut and nuts on parchment paper. One at a time, dip each truffle in the tempered chocolate with a two-prong dipping fork (you can buy one at a baking-supply store or break off the middle tines of a plastic fork). Lift the truffle and let the excess chocolate drip off. Roll in toppings and place on a rack to dry. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.


Now You Know!

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