
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Photo Types - Salt Prints


Do you have a young reader in your house, or a pre-reader? Check out our Tumble Books in our e-resources. They are animated talking picture books for your young'uns, which will teach them to love reading.

STAR TREK MARATHON coming! First week of February 1-7, showing movies and episodes - leading up to…

Geek Day 2.8 on Saturday, February 8th. Mark your calendar!!

Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need. Drop in anytime during those two hours.

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

Luc Picard 

Genealogy tip for the day: Photo Types – Salt Prints

I have done a lot of reading on the salt prints, but a lot of what I have tried to write up is rather confusing. So instead I will share with you what I found on : William Henry Fox Talbot patented a new process in 1841. This process became the first system to use a negative and a positive and allowed the photographer to produce positive prints in great quantities. Through additional refinements, one of the chemicals used to make the print more sensitive to light was sodium chloride (table salt)...Thus it acquired the name of salt print. It was soon noticed that these prints were subject to fading and that it was necessary to remove the fixer or the hypo from the paper. The normal identification features of a salted paper print are a smooth but dull surface, an obvious lack of very fine detail and a silver image located in the fibers of the paper support rather than confined to the surface. Depending upon the choice of papers and methods of altering the image tone, salt prints were made to have a wide variety of color hues, ranging from brick red to a rich purple-black. Since many of these prints were produced before the importance of fixing, washing and toning were realized, countless have suffered serious fading. Salted paper prints were popular from 1839-1860.”

Talbot also developed the calotype for creating a negative. This made possible making multiple salt print pictures, something that could not be done using the Daguerreotype method. The process of using the calotype for the negatives continued, but making a positive print that did not fade required coming up with a fixative that stabilized the positive print, which in turn gave longevity to the picture.

Tomorrow we will look at Albumen pictures. If that sounds like egg shells, you’re very close!

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

Montreal after the fire


A great fire ravages Montreal, resulting in $2.5 million in property lost.

The "Young Turks" revolt because they are angered by the concessions made at the London peace talks.

Franklin D. Roosevelt enters the presidential race.

The Soviets refuse UN entry into North Korea to administer elections.

The Communist Chinese forces begin their advance on Nanking.

Jerusalem becomes the official capital of Israel.

President Truman creates the Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights, to monitor the anti-Communist campaign.

NASA unveils moon-landing craft.

President Richard Nixon claims that Vietnam peace has been reached in Paris and that the POWs would be home in 60 days.

Alex Haley's Roots begins a record-breaking eight-night broadcast on ABC.

Under international pressure, opposition leader Kim Dae Jung's death sentence is commuted to life imprisonment in Seoul.

U.S. begins maneuvers off the Libyan coast.
Born on January 23

Édouard Manet, French impressionist painter best known for Luncheon in the Grass.

Humphrey Bogart, U.S. film actor (The African Queen, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon).

Ernie Kovacs, U.S. comedian and television personality.

Princess Caroline of Monaco.

Princess Caroline



1. A long narrative, especially an epic poem describing martial exploits.
2. A long series of miseries or disasters.

After Iliad, a Greek epic poem traditionally attributed to Homer. From Ilion, ancient Greek name of the city of Troy, an area now in modern Turkey. Earliest documented use: 1579.

"She knew ... stories which form part of an Iliad of obscure hatreds, quarrels, adulteries, marriages."
Storm Jameson; Journey from the North, Volume 2; Collins; 1970.

"Professional football players are our gladiators. The only difference is that we, the fans, don't, as they did at the Colosseum in Rome, put our thumbs up or down to decide a player's fate. But then we don't have to; they all but kill themselves. In each of his interviews, Mr. Cohen asks former players: 'How're you holding up physically?' Everyone answers with an Iliad of injuries and woes."
Joseph Epstein; When Defense Ruled the Game; The Wall Street Journal (New York); Oct 26, 2013.

Quote for the Day
Most people think that shadows follow, precede, or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories. -Elie Wiesel, writer, Nobel laureate (b. 1928)
[Ed. That makes a good point!! I’d never thought of that before. SG]

Today’s Recipe
Soups for Cold Winter Days

Soups are popular in the winter as they warm the body and the soul! Along with that, bread bowls have become popular, so "you can have your soup-in-a-bowl and eat it, too” – to paraphrase a phrase! Here is one recipe you might enjoy:

Makes 4 Bread Bowls to Fill with your Favorite Soup or Chili

5-1/2 to 6 cups all-purpose flour

2 tablespoons sugar

2 envelopes Fleischmann's® RapidRise Yeast

1-1/2 teaspoons salt

1 cup water

1 cup milk

2 tablespoon butter or margarine


In a large bowl, combine 2 cups flour, sugar, undissolved yeast, and salt. Heat water, milk, and butter until very warm (120 to 130°F). Gradually add to flour mixture. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Cover; let rest for 10 minutes.

Divide dough into 4 equal portions; shape each into a ball. Place on greased baking sheet. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.

With sharp knife, make 4 (1/4-inch deep) slashes in crisscross fashion on top of loaves. Bake at 375°F for 25 to 25 minutes or until done. Remove from baking sheets; cool on wire rack. Cut off one-third of loaf; hollow out loaf to form 1/4-inch thick bowl. Fill with soup.

Nutritional Information:
Per Serving Serving Size: one bowl (1/4 of recipe)
Calories: 355; Total Fat:  5 g; Saturated Fat:  2 g;
Cholesterol: 10 mg; Sodium: 485 mg; Carbohydrates: 74 g; Dietary Fiber:  3 g; Protein:  11 g

[Editor’s Note: First of all, this idea I have, I have never tried!!! So if you try this, it is at your own risk. J However, I wonder if you take a votive candle holder (used to high heat), and push it down on the center of the ball, before the last rising, ...would not the dough rise up around it? Then I would think you would need to bake it with the votive in it to get the indention to stay. You could get a bowl, without scraping out and therefore wasting the bread inside. Just a thought! If you try this let me know if it works!]


Now You Know!

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