
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Photo Types - Daguerreotypes


Do you have a young reader in your house, or a pre-reader? Check out our Tumble Books in our e-resources. They are animated talking picture books for your young'uns, which will teach them to love reading.

STAR TREK MARATHON coming! First week of February 1-7, showing movies and episodes - leading up to…

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Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need. Drop in anytime during those two hours.

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

Come see me, I'll be waiting.

Louis Daguerre

Genealogy tip for the day: Photo Types – Daguerreotypes

If there is one type of ephemera (temporary) keepsake that is valuable to the genealogist, it is the photograph. You could take posters, programs, tickets or any other souvenir and it would be fine. But take away the pictures and you have lost something most precious – images of your forefathers and relatives.

Photography has not been around, relatively speaking, that long. However sensitivity of light on chemicals was discovered centuries ago. It just took a while to refine the process, make it stable and practical. These days we take them for granted. Chemicals aren’t even used in the development process with the onset of digital photography.

One of the most well-known older types is the Daguerreotypes. A man by the name of Louis Daguerre came up with the process. It came into use in 1839 and was used until 1860. The image was on a metal sheet, usually copper or silver. The surface was highly polished which gave a glossy                                     finish. Depending on how the light hits it, at one angle it may look like a positive image, at another angle it will look like a negative image. This is important in distinguishing from other types that look similar.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

William and Mary's engagement

January 22

England's "Bloodless Revolution" reaches its climax when parliament invites William and Mary to become joint sovereigns.

President Thomas Jefferson exposes a plot by Aaron Burr to form a new republic in the Southwest.

During the War of 1812, British forces under Henry Proctor defeat a U.S. contingent planning an attack on Fort Detroit.

A British force is wiped out by an Asante army under Osei Bonsu on the African Gold Coast. This is the first defeat for a colonial power.

In an attempt to out flank Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, General Ambrose Burnside leads his army on a march to north Fredericksburg, but foul weather bogs his army down in what will become known as "Mud March."

Eighty-two British soldiers hold off attacks by 4,000 Zulu warriors at the Battle of Rorke's Drift in South Africa.

Russian troops fire on civilians beginning Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg.

Second Monte Carlo auto race begins.

Turkey consents to the Balkan peace terms and gives up Adrianople.

Admiral Richard Byrd charts a vast area of Antarctica.

Government troops crush a Communist uprising in Northern Spain.

A Nazi order erases the old officer caste, tying the army directly to the Party.

Axis forces pull out of Tripoli for Tunisia, destroying bases as they leave.

U.S. troops under Major General John P. Lucas make an amphibious landing behind German lines at Anzio, Italy, just south of Rome.

Communist forces shell Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for the first time.

Abu Hassan, the alleged planner of the 1972 Munich raid, is killed by a bomb in Beirut.

President Ronald Reagan formally links progress in arms control to Soviet repression in Poland.
Born on January 22

Ivan III (the Great), grand prince of Russia.

Sir Francis Bacon, English philosopher, statesman, essayist (The Advancement of Learning).

Lord George Byron, English romantic poet ("Lara," "Don Juan.")

D.W. [David Wark] Griffith, influential U.S. film director (The Birth of A Nation, Intolerance).

Fred Vinson, Thirteenth Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Willa Brown-Chappell, pioneer aviator.

Perse Carrots


adjective: Of a grayish blue or purple color.

From persus (dark blue), from Latin Persicus (Persian), from Persia, former name of Iran. Why this color is associated with Persia is not entirely clear. Earliest documented use: 1387.

"How much the amethyst ring on her right hand mirrored the fading perse color of the sky."
Lisa Kusel; Hat Trick; Hyperion; 2005.

"He noticed the perse under each lid, and the blue, death-struck lips."
Thomas Keneally; Bring Larks and Heroes; Cassell Australia; 1967.

Quote for the Day
There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with. -Harry Crews, novelist and playwright (1935-2012)

Today’s Recipe
Soups for Cold Winter Days
Soup stock is the often unnoticed foundation that makes a soup full-bodied rather than bland and watery. It’s a flavorful liquid in which vegetables, meat and/or fish are cooked slowly, in order to extract their full essence. Making soup stock is a perfect companion to gardening. Simply toss your less-than-perfect culls (complete with trimmings, leaves and peels) and those too-small-to-peel garlic cloves and potatoes, plus a few herbs and seasonings into a heavy pot filled with water. (I find that starting with cold or room temperature water helps the veggies exude even more flavor.) Then just let it simmer while you go about your day.
You can keep plenty of stock frozen and ready to use. If you have a little extra room in the freezer, you also can store veggie trimmings that would have ended up in the disposal or compost pile, until there’s enough for great stock.
Soup stock can be based on vegetables, fowl, beef, fish or even miso. Experiment with different ingredients to suit your tastes and use what’s in season and on hand. You don’t need to peel any veggies — the skins add nutrients and flavor. Just rinse the dirt off. With chicken, skin is optional; it provides more flavor, but also more fat. Simmered bones add calcium and other nutrients, but you can leave them out if you prefer.
After letting it simmer for a couple of hours, strain and discard the solids, then allow the stock to cool. Don’t let it sit around any longer than the time it takes to reach room temperature. If you don’t intend to make soup immediately, freeze or refrigerate the stock for later use.


Now You Know!

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