
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Julie's Genealogy and History Hub

Genealogy tip for today: Highlighting today’s genealogy blog




Genealogy Tip for today: Julie Tarr originally started out at Genblog Julie and still has that blog online. However she has ‘moved’ over to Julie’s Genealogy and History Hub where she combines her love for writing and therefore writing family history and genealogy.

In her first blog it states:

          Julie is a genealogist who specializes in writing, editing, and graphic design. If you are looking for someone to help organize your family data into a book or prepare a research article for publication, Julie can help. Other services include the development of educational materials such as books/booklets, articles, and online courses.

Don’t ignore this original blog as she has some good information there, as well as links to further information and helps. She has links to Adoptee Records, 1926 Irish Census, Brick Wall stories – to name a few.

She continues on her current blog, posting regularly with posts of interest. She also has links to other webpages of interest as well. Some of them include Old German Handwriting; Beginner’s Guide to Genetic Genealogy, links to help for specific areas of the county: Portland, Ore; Philadelphia; and Arizona. She lists links to blog she has found, as well.

Julie is an editor and graphic artist as mentioned above.  If you want some assistance here be sure and check out her blog for that bit of guidance.

Her many tags are categorized by family, tools and tech, location, and theme followed by the specific item. I like how she divides it this way. You don’t have to plow through the whole list to look for a family she’s researching or a new tool and tech idea she has found. She doesn’t have as many as our last blog we highlighted but she does have a substantial list.

This is a personal blog so ads “pushed” here are not necessarily for personal profit. I did notice one that advertises a new tool I hadn’t heard of. I’ll let you look to see if you can figure out what it is.

As always if you like what you see on this blog, please leave a comment below. Or leave a suggestion of what you would to see in the future or ways we could improve out site for you.

Blogs Researched:

The Genealogy blog                



=Today in the Library=


Free computer classes in the FRPL Community Room. Learn about our webpage or bring in questions you may about computers or technology. Ten to Noon!
If you missed it today, this will be happening every Saturday at our library.



Today in History

1571 At the Battle of Lepanto in the Mediterranean Sea, the Christian galley fleet destroys the Turkish galley fleet.

1630 The town of Trimontaine, in Massachusetts, is renamed Boston, and becomes the state capital.

1701 England, Austria, and the Netherlands form an Alliance against France.

1778 Shawnee Indians attack and lay siege to Boonesborough, Kentucky.\

1812 On the road to Moscow, Napoleon wins a costly victory over the Russians at Borodino.

1813 The earliest known printed reference to the United States by the nickname "Uncle Sam" occurs in the Troy Post.

1864 Union General Phil Sheridan's troops skirmish with the Confederates under Jubal Early outside Winchester, Virginia.

1876 The James-Younger gang botches an attempt to rob the First National Bank of Northfield, Minnesota.

1888 An incubator is used for the first time on a premature infant.

1892 The first heavyweight-title boxing match fought with gloves under Marquis of Queensbury rules ends when James J. Corbett knocks out John L. Sullivan in the 21st round.

1912 French aviator Roland Garros sets an altitude record of 13,200 feet.

1916 The U.S. Congress passes the Workman's Compensation Act.

1940 Germany's blitz against London begins during the Battle of Britain.

1942 The Red Army pushes back the German line northwest of Stalingrad.

1953 Nikita Krushchev elected first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

1954 Integration of public schools begins in Washington D.C. and Maryland.

1965 Pro Football Hall of Fame opens in Canton, Ohio.

1970 Jockey Bill Shoemaker earns 6,033rd win, breaking Johnny Longden's record for most lifetime wins; Shoemaker's record would stand for 29 years.

1977 Panama and US sign Torrios-Carter Treaties to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the US to Panama at the end of the 20th century.

1978 Secret police agent Francesco Giullino assassinates Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov in London by firing a ricin pellet from a specially designed umbrella.

1979 ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports Programig Network, debuts

1986 Desmond Tutu becomes first black leader of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa (now the Anglican Church of South Africa).

1988 Pilot and cosmonaut Abdul Ahad Mohmand, the first Afghan to travel to outer space, returns to earth after 9 days aboard the Soviet space station Mir

2004 Hurricane Ivan damages 90% of buildings on the island of Grenada; 39 die in the Category 5 storm

2008 US Government assumes conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the country's two largest mortgage financing companies, during the subprime mortgage crisis.



Birthdays today:
Elizabeth I

1533 Elizabeth I, Queen of England (1558-1603), led her country during the exploration of the New World and war with Spain.

1860 Anna Marie Robertson (Grandma Moses), American folk painter who started her career at age 78, best known for her paintings of rural life

1860 Edith Sitwell, poet

1900 Taylor Caldwell, novelist

1909 Elia Kazan, producer, screenwriter and director who won directing Oscars for Gentleman's Agreement and On the Waterfront

1914 James Alfred Van Allen, discovered and named the two radiation belts surrounding the Earth.

1930 Sonny Rollins, saxophonist

1936 Buddy Holly, singer, songwriter, rock 'n roll pioneer.

1943 Beverley McLachlin, first woman to serve as Chief Justice of Canada

1949 Gloria Gaynor, Grammy Award–winning singer ("I Will Survive")

1950 Julie Kavner, Emmy Award–winning actress  (Rhoda, 1968) and voice actress (The Simpsons, 1992); best known as the voice of Marge Simpson in The Simpsons.

1950 Margaret "Peggy" Noonan, author, The Wall Street Journal columnist; special assistant to President Ronald Reagan

1956 Michael Feinstein, singer, musician; archivist for Great American Songbook




Word for the day:  






noun: A wealthy and powerful person, especially in business or politics.



From Japanese taikun (great lord or prince), from Chinese ta (great) + kiun (prince). Earliest documented use: 1857.



The word was used as a title for the shogun of Japan. Abraham Lincoln's aides used the word as an affectionate nickname for him. Later the word came to be applied to powerful people in business.



"Believe it or not, you can buy a $6,000 shower curtain for your home. But why would you? Former Tyco International tycoon Dennis Kozlowski did. He also spent $2,200 on a wastebasket, nearly $3,000 on coat hangers and nearly $6,000 on sheets. ... 'The prices are not out of line, but they're off the scale when it comes to priorities,' says Bilhuber, whose client list includes ex-AOL Time Warner honcho Robert Pittman, Michael Douglas, David Bowie and his model wife, Iman, and designer Hubert Givenchy."
Maria Puente' Tchotchkes of the Rich and Infamous; USA Today; Sep 27, 2002.



Quote for the day:

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. -Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet (1809-1892)


Home Cooking Month

Today’s Recipe
Baking Powder Biscuits




2 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon sugar, if desired

3 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup shortening

3/4 cup milk


Heat oven to 450°F. In large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in shortening, using pastry blender (or pulling 2 table knives through ingredients in opposite directions), until mixture looks like fine crumbs. Stir in milk until dough leaves side of bowl (dough will be soft and sticky).

On lightly floured surface, gently roll dough in flour to coat. Knead lightly 10 times. Roll or pat 1/2 inch thick. Cut with floured 2 1/2-inch biscuit cutter. On ungreased cookie sheet, place biscuits about 1 inch apart for crusty sides, touching for soft sides.

Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown






Now You Know!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suzanne, I just ran across your post. Thanks so much for highlighting my blog!
