
Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Olive Tree

Genealogy tip for today: Highlighting today’s genealogy blog




Genealogy Tip for today: This blog has been around for a long time – since the late 1990’s. Lorine McGinnis Schultz has a lot of information (posts) on her blog as well as many followers, pages and list of tags


She keeps you update on the latest happenings in the Genealogy World. One of her favorites is the Who Do You Think You Are series and comments on them every week. Her posts get a lot of response, esp. the WDYTYA posts.

As a result of her own research she has a lot of experience in immigration records and therefore shares that experience with us. She has even published books on the topic.

She also posts announcements of different upcoming events and conferences. So if her area of interest is yours – this would be a good place to track that.

You will see sponsored ads on her site – this may or may not bother you. So this is just a heads up on that front. Sometimes it turns me off. But it offers perks for the blogger and gives you information you might not find otherwise.

I scanned down her list of tags and counted 64 page downs to get to the end. So this is quite an extensive list. The large majority of tags is genealogy related, but she also has interest in cooking and a few other things. Some of these links are included as well.

She has put a lot of work into this blog given by the list of tags and how long she has been doing this. But it takes time on a daily basis to keep track of tags you may already have, or add new ones, too.

I think you will enjoy and appreciate her blog and the information she shares with us. 


Blogs Researched:
Olive Tree

We Tree

Billion Graves

The Genealogy blog                


birthdays today, genealogy tips, quote of the day, recipes, today in history, word of the day

Posting Announcement
If you have started following this blog on a regular basis you probably realize that a new post is usually up by the middle of the day. Thursdays, however, are my late night shifts. So it is usually in the evening before I can get them up. Fridays and Saturdays posts alternate, again depending on my schedule at work.   This is just a heads up so you know what to expect and when to expect it! SG

Today in History

1666 The Fire of London is extinguished after two days.

1664 After days of negotiation, the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam surrenders to the British, who will rename it New York.

1792 Maximilien Robespierre is elected to the National Convention in France.

1804 US Navy lieutenant Richard Somers and members of his crew are buried at Tripoli; they died when USS Intrepid exploded while entering Tripoli harbor on a mission to destroy the enemy fleet there during the First Barbary War.

1816 Louis XVIII of France dissolves the chamber of deputies, which has been challenging his authority.

1859 Harriot E. Wilson's Our Nig, is published, the first U.S. novel by an African American woman.

1867 The first shipment of cattle leaves Abilene, Kansas, on a Union Pacific train headed to Chicago.

1870 Author Victor Hugo returns to Paris from the Isle of Guernsey where he had lived in exile for almost 20 years.

1877 The great Sioux warrior Crazy Horse is fatally bayoneted at age 36 by a soldier at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.

1878 Bat Masterson, Wyatt Earp, Bill Tilghman and Clay Allison, four of the West's most famous gunmen, meet in Dodge City, Kansas.

1905 The Russian-Japanese War ends as representatives of the combating empires, meeting in New Hampshire, sign the Treaty of Portsmouth. Japan achieves virtually all of its original war aims.

1910 Marie Curie demonstrates the transformation of radium ore to metal at the Academy of Sciences in France.

1944 Germany launches its first V-2 missile at Paris, France.

1958 Martin Luther King is arrested in an Alabama protest for loitering and fined $14 for refusing to obey police.

1960 Leopold Sedar Sengingor, poet and politician, is elected president of Senegal, Africa.

1969 Charges brought against US lieutenant William Calley in the March 1968 My Lai Massacre during Vietnam War.

Black September
1972 "Black September," a Palestinian terrorist group take 11 Israeli athletes hostage at the Olympic Games in Munich; by midnight all hostages and all but 3 terrorists are dead.

1975 President Gerald Ford evades an assassination attempt in Sacramento, California.

1977 Hanns-Martin Schleyer, a German business executive who headed to powerful organization and had been an SS officer during WW2, is abducted by the left-wing extremist group Red Army Faction, who execute him on Oct. 18.

1977 Voyager 1 space probe launched.

1978 Israel's Menachem Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat begin discussions on a peace process, at Camp David, Md.

1980 World's longest tunnel opens; Switzerland's St. Gotthard Tunnel stretches 10.14 miles (16.224 km) from Goschenen to Airolo.

1984 Space Shuttle Discovery lands afters its maiden voyage.

1996 Hurricane Fran comes ashore near Cape Fear, No. Car. It will kill 27 people and cause more than $3 billion in damage.


Birthdays today:

1568 Tommasso Campanella, Italian philosopher and poet, who wrote City of the Sun.

1638 Louis XIV, "The Sun King" of France who built the palace at Versailles.

Jesse James
1842 Jesse James, legendary outlaw of the American West.

1897 A.C. Nielson, founder of the Nielson Ratings.

1905 Arthur Koestler, Hungarian novelist and essayist who wrote about communism in Darkness at Noon and The Ghost in the Machine.

1912 John Cage, inventive composer, writer, philosopher, and artist.

1912 Franklin "Frank" Thomas, one of the "Nine Old Men" among Walt Disney's team of animators.

1921 Jack Valenti, an American film executive who created the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) voluntary system for rating film content as a guide for parents.

Bob Newhart
1929 Bob Newhart, deadpan standup comedian and TV actor (The Bob Newhart Show).

1934 Carol Lawrence, actress and singer (Maria in Broadway version of West Side Story).

1940 Raquel Welch, actress (One Million Years B.C., Myra Breckinridge).

1942 Werner Herzog (Stipetic), director, producer, screenwriter, actor; a leading figure in New German Cinema (Heart of Glass, Encounters at the End of the World).

1945 Al Stewart, singer, songwriter, musician ("Year of the Cat," "Roads to Moscow").

1950 Cathy Guisewite, cartoonist, creator of Cathy.

1953 Victor Davis Hanson, military historian, columnist; received National Humanities Award (2007).

1989 Katerina Graham, actress, model, singer, dancer (The Vampire Diaries TV series).




Word for the day:  





noun: Someone who behaves in a reckless, self-destructive manner.
adjective: Extremely reckless, potentially self-destructive.



From Japanese kamikaze (divine wind), from kami (god, divinity) + kaze (wind). Earliest documented use: 1896.



In Japanese folklore, kamikaze was the divine wind that destroyed a Mongol invasion fleet under Kublai Khan. In World War II, the kamikaze were suicidal attacks by Japanese pilots who crashed their planes on an enemy target such as a ship.



"We're traveling along busy, multilane roads, and the kamikaze driving makes me glad that I'm not behind the handlebars. Romans drive as though they're playing a video game: They're fast and aggressive, taking turns as if they're in Super Mario Kart -- and the winner is the one reaching the next traffic light first."
Kelly DiNardo; Roam in Today's Chariot; The Washington Post; Aug 4, 2013.




Quote for the day:

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. -Hans Hofmann, painter (1880-1966)



Home Style Cooking Month

Today’s Recipe


Traditional Spaghetti and Meatballs



1lb. ground beef
1/2 tablespoons dried oregano
1/2 tablespoons dried basil
1/4 cup chopped onions
egg whites
1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1 tablespoon chopped spring onions
8 cloves of chopped garlic
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
Sauce and Pasta Ingredients:
6 cups marinara sauce
4 tomatoes
1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 pound whole-wheat spaghetti or linguine
dash of salt
dash of cooking oil


To make the meatballs, combine ground beef, dried oregano and parsley, chopped onions, egg whites, bread crumbs, spring onion, mozzarella cheese salt and pepper.
Mix it, but do not over mix it until smooth as the meatballs will become more compact and it is not what we want.
Meanwhile, pre-heat oven to 350°F.
Scoop two spoonful of the ground beef mixture and using your hand, roll it out into a ball. The preferred size has a diameter of 1-2 inches, do not pack it too tight nor too lose.
Place the meatballs on a rack and bake it for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, start working with the sauce and pasta.
Sauce and Pasta Instructions:
Put water in a casserole and put to a boil. Once bubbles are forming, put a dash of cooking oil and salt and stir just to mix everything. Then slip in the spaghetti or linguine along with the tomatoes, stirring occasionally so as to prevent the pasta from sticking at the bottom of the pan. Remove the tomatoes once the skin begins to peel off. Set aside until it is not that hot to touch anymore. The process should take up 5-10 minutes.
Slice the boiled tomatoes.
In a saucepan, heat the marinara sauce with the boiled tomatoes and basil leaves. The sauce should smell good to know that it is almost cooked. Add 2 tablespoon of parmesan cheese (leave some for toppings)
Combine the meatballs with the sauce.
Place sauce all over a plate of pasta.


Now You Know!

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