

Suzanne Guinn worked in the library world for 23 years, starting with her High School library her Senior year and receiving her library degree in 2001.

She has done genealogy for 30 years and has taught classes over the years helping others begin this interesting journey. She has been involved in several genealogy and/or historical societies on the local, state and regional levels. She helped start a new genealogy society in the 90's.

She is married with 4 grown children and 5 grandchildren.

Genealogy Tips are of the informative and educational manner, bringing you helps in doing your research. From time to time our own experiences and stories will be shared.

We would love to hear from you - if you like what we post, or if you would like to know about something we have not discussed. You may leave comments at the bottom of each post or you may email her at rplgenealogylibrarian at gmail dot com.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Suzanne,
    I enjoyed reading a number of your blogs. I recently took on the job of the Douglas County Genealogy Club newsletter. The previous editor included blogs that she thought would interest our members. I especially liked your blog about your ancestral couple who lived in neighboring states but managed to find each other. (I have at a similar situation in my family tree.) May I please have your permission to include your blog in our October newsletter?
    M. Mattson
