
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tombstone Symbols

Memorial Day is coming soon and many of us will be visiting our family graves. If you are one of those who will be doing so,  take time to note what 'decorations' or symbols are part of the tombstone. They have different meanings. Some can be symbolic like a cross, or dove or anchor. Others could be insignias for military or fraternal organizations, or maybe occupations.

Last Monday was our genealogy society meeting for May. The topic of the evening was tombstone symbols. Two of them that were mentioned I have found on my family's markers. The broken column is on my Great-grandfather's grave. My Great-grandmother had said he was the pillar of the family and now he was gone. So a column was made to look broken in half and the top part lay across the top of the marker. (If I had pictures I'd post them. If I run across any, I will.)

(Sample; NOT my great-grandfather's)
Another common item is the lamb. It's used for many reason. Jesus being the Great Shepherd and we are his sheep. But also, it is often used for babies or young children. My parents had a little boy that died before I was born. So on the top of his little grave rests a lamb - sweet and innocent.

These two are NOT from my family's graves, but they are similar.

Take time this year to look at your family's markers as well as maybe some of the others in the cemetery. Also, if  your relatives get together over Memorial Weekend, now would be a good time to talk to some of them and ask questions! Don't miss your opportunity!

Now You Know!


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