
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Scrap Notes Notebook - Done!!!

Today, I went out and got my notebook (3 ring binder), dividers, and page protectors!  I couldn't fine one that already had the alphabet on the tabs so I had to buy 3 packages of dividers that were 8 to a package. By putting X Y Z on the last tab I had just the right amount. Now if you're reading this and you have a different alphabet, you'll have to figure out the number of dividers you need.

I put two page protectors behind each letter - one for Surnames and one for Topics, et. al.  Although on the book title sheet I did list only Surnames. Oh Well, I can always do that over. You can see by the illustrations how I set this up. I have already started putting my scrap notes in it.

Here you see two notes - one in each page protector - hard to see because they are clear.

This will be handy to grab when going through boxes and piles, finding new scrap notes. My cost was about $20, partly because I found the binder at a garage sale and it was given to me free! Now, do you have yours done???

"History is who we are, Genealogy is who I am." SG

Now You Know!


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