
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Marquand Family

Genealogy tip for the day: Marquand Family

I've talked about networking before. This is something I have learned by experience. After working on my side of the family for several years, I started working on my husband's side.

His grandmother was a Gilbert, but alas it was one of those hush hush subjects because her father had deserted her and her mother when Grandma was about 5. So I had to find information the old fashion way - search and research!

In the process I did find information about her Gilbert side. Along the way, I also found a cousin. LRC is about our age, but technically she was a second cousin to my mother-in-law, daughter of the above mentioned Grandmother.

In the meantime LRC and I have corresponded and become acquainted. We found each other on Face book and today she posted a photo of a grave marker of one of Grandma's ancestors, E.D. and Mary Marquand.

Many things came together to make this possible: research, networking and social media. Now I have a picture I formally did not have!!!! Woo Hoo.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg


Now You Know!

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