
Friday, April 18, 2014

Picaboo Books

Genealogy tip for the day: Picaboo Books

In looking at the classes for the genealogy conference tomorrow in Springdale I found something I want to share with you. Have you ever wanted to publish you family history but feel it would cost you to much?

Here is what the conference website has to say about it: "There is nothing more exciting than finding the name of that long lost relative or even digging up a photo of an ancestor whose face you have never seen. Once you have found all of this great information and compiled the inspiring stories of their lives, you will want to share it with others.
"Publishing a compilation of genealogical data or a life story can be daunting. Learning to use complicated publishing software takes valuable time and once it is done the cost of the book can be prohibitive.
"Picaboo has been helping people get their photos into printed hardbound books for decades and with the newly launched Yearbook division, it is the perfect fit for someone who wants to combine photos and stories in a simple, user friendly program. The real surprise is the cost. It's very affordable and a fraction of the cost of other On-Demand Publishers. Picaboo can print up to 200,000 books a day or just one - yours."
Their own website states you can create your own 20 page book for less than $10.00. Check it out and see what you think. I think I will...

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

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Today’s Recipe
April – Tomato Month
Semi-homemade Tomato Soup

Do you want to have that homemade taste without as much work? Here's an easy recipe for tomato soup that tastes homemade.

2 cans of tomato soup
2 cans full of milk
1 cup of cherry tomatoes, blended
sprinkle of basil
season to taste

Take 1 cup (more or less) of cherry tomatoes and put in your blender. Blend until they are at least cut into little pieces with a lot of juice.

Open tomato soup cans and empty into large pan; fill soup cans with milk - use milk to rinse out cans of clinging soup, empty into large pan. Put on medium eat and stir frequently. When it starts to boil turn down to low, add basil, salt and pepper to taste. 

Finish off your meal with a stack of toasted cheese sandwiches. Voila! a quick and easy supper with a touch of homemade taste.

Apr 1st   Caprese Stacks  
Apr 18th Semi-homemade Tomato Soup


Now You Know!

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