
Friday, April 11, 2014

Common Mistakes, 5

Genealogy tip for the day: Common Mistakes, 5

Today will conclude our look at mistakes and wrong assumptions that we all make. Maybe this trip down the road of mistakes will help you miss the potholes!!

#34. Ignoring Siblings. We sometimes get so focused on the direct line that we forget that sometimes a brick wall, or a difficulty may be solved by researching our grandparents' siblings. If you have a question that seems to have no answer, look at the brothers and sisters and see if they will lead you to the answer you are looking for.

#35. Overlooking maiden names. Granted on the one hand, sometimes maiden names can be hard to pin down. But at the same time, when you have it, don't ignore it. Watch however and don't assume a bride's last name before marriage is her maiden name. It could be she was married before. You'll have go back one step further and find the previous marriage. When finding the maiden name, it will then help you find the parents.

#36. Jumping to conclusions with out documentation can lead to disaster. There may be a situation where a lot of things seem to indicate a conclusion, but in the end you have to have proof before you can say with certainty such-and-such as fact.

#37. Chasing the wrong family. This can waste a lot of time and money. This is sometimes a result of jumping to conclusions and not proven what you have so far. In the end you've ended up with a wild goose chase. You will be very unhappy with yourself if you discovered you have done this. Making several mistakes we have mentioned in this series can cause you to end up chasing the wrong family. Not documenting, making assumptions, yet not thinking outside of the box.

#38. Don't think you can keep track of everything in your head. Remember that every time you go back a generation, you've doubled the people. And that's just the direct ancestors. This doesn't include siblings, cousins etc. If you are computer literate (and you probably to some extent if you are reading this), then research and look into different genealogy software and see what appeals to you. Or, you can record your information on paper forms. There are several styles and many are found on the Internet free.

#39. Don't assume that women with the same surname as their father aren't married. I personally went to school with a gal that married a fellow that had the exact same last name as her. They were no relation whatsoever. Again, it's those assumptions that can get you into trouble.

#40. Don't assume a family never moved if you found them in the same area for birth and marriage, or marriage and death, etc. Sometimes folks will move away and then later return to a previous location. Check out where other relatives may have lived and see if there is a connection.

#41. Speaking of moving, it may seem like a family moved several times when in fact they never moved at all, but boundary lines did. This can effect county lines, state lines and maybe even national boundaries.

As a "sort of" an example, I have an ancestor who was born in Canada. Later that geographical area became part of New York State. So national lines can move just as much as lower governmental boundaries.

This concludes our look at mistakes to avoid and assumptions not to make and the like. I hope this has been helpful to you. Next week, we'll find something else to share with you. Come see what we decided.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

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Today’s Recipe
April – Tomato Month


·  1/4 cup grated Parmesan
·  1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
·  1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
·  1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
·  1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
·  2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
·  12 1/2-inch-thick tomato slices, from 6 medium tomatoes


1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment. In a small bowl, combine Parmesan, oregano, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Add olive oil and stir to form a moist mixture.
2. Arrange tomato slices on baking sheet and spoon a heaping 1/2 tsp. Parmesan mixture on top of each slice, dividing evenly. Use your fingertips to press into an even layer. Bake until tomatoes are soft and topping begins to brown, about 20 minutes. Serve hot or warm.

Apr 1st   Caprese Stacks


Now You Know!

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