
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Your Age, Please? Conclusion


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Genealogy tip for the day: Your Age, Please?

We have been talking about the age of our ancestor and the different information we find from record to record, that don’t add up to a correct progression. People may not age 10 years from census to census. Let me add, the date of the birthday and date of the census can throw the age off, from decade to decade, a couple of years. 

If the census date is before the birthday, the person could be, say, 39. The next time the census date may fall after their birthday and they would be 41, for example. So you need to take in all factors in determining errors and correcting “mistakes”. Looking at all factors and all records helps to make the best determination, when things don’t seem to add up right.

Ages at time of marriage can be an indicator of other records or events that may have happened in a person’s life. You have to think about what you don’t see in that record – other records that might possible also be ‘out there’. This is a good exercise in thinking outside of the box.

Earlier we spoke of timelines. Lay out a person’s life and think what would be appropriate to occur throughout their life time. Normally childbearing years start late teens/early twenties and into their thirties/maybe forties. Retirement doesn’t usually happen when someone is twenty or thirty, but later on in life. Let’s say you are researching occupations for an individual. If they are in their fifties or sixties, they may have retired. This can be a clue when someone disappears from an area. Sometimes folks move when they retire. Creating a timeline sometimes helps solve situations.

Remember: A person’s age is a key to events in their life: marriage, childbearing, military, retirement, death or other events that naturally occur during a certain time period in one’s life. Keeping this in mind can help you sort out situations, or give you clues of what to look into or research, keeping in mind at the same time that there are no hard and fast rules, only possible possibilities.

Something new I found were Discrepancies Charts. Although I could find no ready-made form, a spread sheet or just a piece of paper with column headings can help you lay one out. The headings used were: Record, Birthdate, Birthplace, Age, Informant, Source type (primary or secondary). For problems with inconsistent ages for other events, just change the headings to what is appropriate for the situation.

In closing here is a website I found with a bibliography at the end that you can pursue for further reading.   

If there is any topic you would to see discussed, drop a note in the comments section below.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.


Today in History
March 9

The Treaty of Stolbovo ends the occupation of Northern Russia by Swedish troops.

The Russians take Danzig (Gdansk) in Poland.

Connecticut becomes the 5th state.

Napoleon Bonaparte marries Josephine de Beauharnais in Paris, France.

Swedish Pomerania is seized by Napoleon.

Congress passes the Land Act, paving the way for westward expansion.

The French Academy of Science announces the Daguerreotype photo process.

The rebel slaves who seized a Spanish slave ship, the Amistad, in 1839 are freed by the Supreme Court despite Spanish demands for extradition.

The first and last battle between the ironclads U.S.S. Monitor and C.S.S. Virginia ends in a draw.

General Ulysses Grant is appointed commander-in-chief of the Union forces.

The funding for five new battleships is added to the British military defense budget.

The Germans take Grondno on the Eastern Front.

Mexican bandit Pancho Villa leads 1,500 horsemen on a raid of Columbus, N.M. killing 17 U.S. soldiers and citizens.

Eamon De Valera is elected president of the Irish Free State and pledges to abolish all loyalty to the British Crown.

The German press warns that all Jews who vote in the upcoming elections will be arrested.

Czech President Emil Hacha ousts pro-German Joseph Tiso as the Premier of Slovakia in order to preserve Czech unity.

Britain frees captured Italian coal ships on the eve of German Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop's visit to Rome.

British authorities arrest and deport Archbishop Makarios from Cyprus. He is accused of supporting terrorists.

Egyptian leader Nasser bars U.N. plans to share the tolls for the use of the Suez Canal.

The Barbie doll is unveiled at a toy fair in New York City.

The first Ford Mustang rolls off the Ford assembly line.

Svetlana Alliluyeva, Josef Stalin's daughter defects to the United States.

General William Westmoreland asks for 206,000 more troops in Vietnam.

Iraq launches an offensive against the rebellious Kurds.

Navy divers find the crew compartment of the space shuttle Challenger along with the remains of the astronauts.
Born on March 9

Amerigo Vespucci, Italian navigator.

Leland Stanford, railroad builder, founder of Stanford University.

Vyacheslav Molotov, former Soviet Prime Minister.

Vita Sackville-West, writer.

Peter Quennell, biographer.

Samuel Barber, American composer ("Adagio for Strings," Vanessa).

Frank Morrison Spillane [Mickey Spillane], crime writer (Kiss Me, Deadly, The Erection Set).

Ornette Coleman, jazz saxophonist.

Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut, the first man to orbit the Earth.

Bobby Fischer, first American world chess champion.

Keri Hulme, New Zealand novelist (The Bone People).



verb tr.: To chew or eat.

From Latin mandere (to chew). Ultimately from the Indo-European root menth- (to chew), which also gave us masticate, mandible, and manger. Earliest documented use: 1623.

"Flem literally manducates, chewing over his surroundings."
Michael Wainwright; Darwin and Faulkner's Novels; Palgrave Macmillan; 2008.

Habit with him was all the test of truth, / It must be right: I've done it from my youth. -George Crabbe, poet and naturalist (1754-1832)

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods

You can use your favorite biscuit (canned or homemade) or follow the recipe on the website of this link. Just click on the name of the recipe above and it will take you there. If you are not into mushrooms you can use sausage instead. Again, see the website.
Mushroom Gravy, makes about 5 cups
6 ounces chopped mushrooms (I used baby portobello)
1/4 cup chopped onions
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1/4 cup flour
salt, pepper, cumin (or other spices you like)
1/2 cup vegetable stock
1 1/2 cup milk

In a pot sauté the onions in the olive oil over medium heat until they begin to soften. Then add in the mushrooms and cook until soft. Remove the mushroom and onions (but leave the cooking juices) and set aside. In the same pot melt the butter. Whisk in the flour and allow to cook/bubble for a few minutes, stirring constantly. At this point you can season your roux with any seasoning you like, I used pepper, cumin and tiny bit of cayenne. Now stir in the stock, milk and the cooked mushrooms and onions. I like my gravy on the thick side. But if you find yours is too thick, add more stock. Serve hot over warm biscuits.

(Do you like listing the current month’s recipes here? Let me know.)


Now You Know!

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