
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

SHORTIE TIP – Tunnel Vision


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Genealogy tip for the day: SHORTIE TIP – Tunnel Vision

When researching your genealogy on computers, or over the Internet, be sure and use more than one website. We can sometimes get stuck using only one website because we have learned how to use and it’s become our favorite. But that can give you tunnel vision.

Explore other websites as well. They may have the same or similar databases. Oft times they will give you slightly different results. So be sure and check out other options. What one isn’t giving you, another just might.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

Juliette Low


The Jews are expelled from Syria.

Cesare Borgia dies while fighting alongside his brother, the king of Navarre, in Spain.

The Bermuda Islands become an English colony.

New Jersey becomes a British colony.

The United States Post Office is established.

Great Britain signs a treaty with Persia forcing the French out of the country.

President Jefferson Davis delivers his State of the Confederacy address.

The British Zulu War begins.

Mississippi establishes the first U.S. state college for women.

Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time.

The Czar of Russia issues a decree providing for nominal freedom of religion throughout the land.

British Parliament increases naval appropriations for Great Britain.

Dr. Fletcher of the Rockefeller Institute discovers the cause of infantile paralysis.

Juliet Low founds the Girl Scouts in Savannah, Georgia.

Russian troops mutiny as the "February Revolution" begins.

Gandhi begins his march to the sea to symbolize his defiance of British rule in India.

President Paul von Hindenburg drops the flag of the German Republic and orders that the swastika and empire banner be flown side by side.

President Roosevelt makes the first of his Sunday evening fireside chats.

German troops enter Austria without firing a shot, forming the anschluss (union) of Austria and Germany.

Pius XII is elected the new pope in Rome.

Great Britain bars all travel to neutral Ireland, which is suspected of collaborating with Nazi Germany.

Diarist Anne Frank dies in a German concentration camp.

The U.S. House of Representatives joins the Senate in approving the statehood of Hawaii.

Lebanese President Gemayel opens the second meeting in five years calling for the end to nine-years of war.

The United States and the Soviet Union begin arms control talks in Geneva.

The Church of England ordains women priests.
Born on March 12

Richard Hooker, English theologian (Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity).

Adolph Simon Ochs, publisher of The New York Times.

Jane Delano, nurse, teacher, founder of the Red Cross.

Vasav Nijinsky, Russian ballet dancer.

Jack Kerouac, American novelist (On the Road).

Edward Albee, American dramatist (Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf).

Patricia Hampl, poet and memoirist (A Romantic Education, Virgin Time).

Patricia Hampl

Bristol fashion

(BRIS-tl FASH-uhn)

adjective: In good order.
We know the term is coined after Bristol, England, but we are not so certain why. Some believe the term alludes to the prosperity of the city from its flourishing shipping business. Others claim that the term arose as a result of the very high tidal range of the port of Bristol: at low tides ships moored here would go aground and if everything on the ship was not stowed away properly, chaos would result. The term is often used to describe boats and typically used in the phrase "shipshape and Bristol fashion".
"Everything was shipshape and Bristol fashion, the parallel bars looked spruce, the leaves had been raked out of the swimming pool, there was not a drop of horse poo on the riding course."
Patsy Crawford; Olympic Gold is a Little Tarnished; Sunday Tasmanian (Australia); Jul 18, 2004.
The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion. -Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction writer (1917-2008)

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods

These are mini quiches made with puff pastry for the crusts. I've seen similar ones also called baked egg souffle before (like the Panera version, which I love!). [Editor – comments come from the website where we got the recipe.]

Mini Quiches, makes 3
puff pastry
3-4 eggs
1/4 cup half and half or cream
salt + pepper
1/4 cup cheese (I used parmesan)
Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a bowl whisk together the eggs, cream, salt and pepper. Butter your baking dishes (I used large ramekins). Cut your puff pastry into large squares that will slightly hang over once placed in the baking dishes. Fill 2/3 full with the egg batter. Fold the edges in toward the center. Sprinkle on the cheese and bake for 35-40 minutes, until the egg looks set. 
These will appear quite puffy as you remove them from the oven, but they will settle a little as they cool.

Mar 12th Mini Quiche


Now You Know!

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