
Friday, March 14, 2014

SHORTIE TIP – Reference Librarians

Genealogy tip for the day: SHORTIE TIP – Reference Librarians

Ever heard of the movie “Support Your Local Sheriff”? Not that the librarians are anything like a sheriff, but let me paraphrase that to “Support Your Local Librarian”.

Your local reference librarian should be your ‘next best friend’-- your BFF! Get to know your local library and their reference librarians. Besides books on the shelves, they may know about databases, out of print books and other hard to find items to help in your research. Sometimes an item may not necessarily be in what you think is a logical place. There are a lot of sources that are typically “non-genealogical” but still give you information you may need. 

It could be you need to look at statistical reports, or historical trends, or geographic information about a country. They can assist you in ways you may not think about. So be sure and dig into this sometimes-untapped resource … their minds!

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.


Are you a Lord of the Rings lover? We are having a LOTR marathon starting March 22!! Don't miss it!

Summer Reading Program will be starting soon. Watch for announcements on that and registration information. This is for ages Adults through young children! Come Join Us - and explore new worlds.

You can find our website at 
And our other blog at RPL's Movies and Music

Mass. Bay Colony Charter

Today in History
March 14

A Royal charter is granted to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

First American town meeting is held at Boston's Faneuil Hall.

British Admiral John Byng is executed by a firing squad on board HMS Monarch for neglect of duty.

Inventor Eli Whitney receives a patent for his cotton gin.

United States currency goes on the gold standard.

The Senate ratifies the Hay-Herran Treaty, guaranteeing the United states the right to build a canal in Panama.

An anarchist named Antonio Dalba unsuccessfully attempts to kill Italy's King Victor Emmanuel III in Rome.

The British Navy sinks the German battleship Dresden off the Chilean coast.

An all-Russian Congress of Soviets ratifies a peace treaty with the Central Powers.

President Warren G. Harding becomes the first U.S. President to file an income tax report.

Adolf Hitler tells a crowd of 300,000 that Germany's only judge is God and itself.

The Nazis dissolve the republic of Czechoslovakia.

The Germans reoccupy Kharkov in the Soviet Union.

The United States signs a 99-year lease on naval bases in the Philippines.

U.N. forces recapture Seoul for the second time during the Korean War.

The Viet Minh launch an assault against the French Colonial Forces at Dien Bien Phu.

A Dallas jury finds Jack Ruby guilty of the murder of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

John F. Kennedy's body is moved from a temporary grave to a permanent one in Arlington Cemetery.

An Israeli force of 22,000 invades south Lebanon, hitting the PLO bases.

Mikhail S. Gorbachev becomes president of the Soviet Congress.

The "Birmingham Six," imprisoned for 16 years for their alleged part in an IRA pub bombing, are set free after a court agrees that the police fabricated evidence.

Lucy Hobbs Taylor

Born on March 14


Johann Strauss, violinist and composer.

Lucy Hobbs Taylor, first woman dentist. 

Paul Ehrlich, German bacteriologist who received the Nobel Prize for medicine.

Casey Jones, railroad engineer.

Albert Einstein, German-born mathematician best known for his theories on relativity.

Eugene Cernan, American astronaut, the last man on the moon.

(GLAS-go kis, GLAZ-)
noun: A headbutt: a strike with the head to someone's sensitive area (such as the nose).
This slang for headbutt is relatively recent. The OED shows this 1982 citation from the Daily Mirror as the first printed use of the term:
"Glasgow has its own way of welcoming people ... There is a broken bottle gripped in the fist of greeting. Or there's the Glasgow Kiss -- a sharp whack on the nose with the forehead."
The term arose from allusion to violence in part of the city. An earlier term is a Liverpool kiss.

"The General Medical Council, the most useless body in Britain, can't even get the name of their new boss right. If John Reid is half as tough as he pretends he'll give this rotten lot a Glasgow kiss!"
David Mellor; Man of The People: Headbangers; People; Jun 15, 2003.

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods

Needed: Coconut water (frozen into ice cubes, you will need 12), three cups of fresh berries, greek yogurt.

Directions: For each layer blend 1/4 cup yogurt, 4 coconut water ice cubes and 1 cup of berries. Add each layer to the cup, rinse your blender and repeat. Enjoy!

Mar 12th Mini Quiche
Mar 13th Red Velvet Waffles, with cream cheese gravy – (I didn’t say they would be healthy!)
Mar 14th Triple Berry Smoothie – not just for breakfast any more.


Now You Know!

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