
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SHORTIE TIP – Non-Genealogical Resources

Genealogy tip for the day: SHORTIE TIP – Non-Genealogical Resources

I’m always on the lookout for sources of information that are helpful to us “genie-people.” I was working Sunday afternoon at the library and came across two book titles that I wanted to pass to you. These both will be helpful in educating yourself on these topics.

When you want to do background research on your ancestor that was involved in one of our ‘military adventures,’ so to speak, finding information on the wars themselves helps add to our general knowledge about those folks, even the particular company or regiment or whatever they were in.

A book that could be helpful to you in your military research is the “West Point Atlas of American Wars” by Col. Vincent J. Esposito. This is a two volume set and the books are quite large.

Vol. I is 1689-1900 and Vol. II is 1900-1953. The Publisher is Frederick A. Praeger of New York. Its copyright date is in 1959, so we are woefully beyond that with more history of our wars. But this is a helpful tool up to the date it goes. Don’t ignore it just because it wasn't printed recently. History doesn't change.

Each two page spread has narration on the left with the map itself on the right in three color design. These could be useful with proper citation, to give your own records illustration of battles in which your ancestors fought. Knowing a company or regiment that your ancestor fought in, makes the reading more interesting.

Next time we’ll look at the other book, which is on Railroading that I think is useful.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.


Are you a Lord of the Rings lover? We are having a LOTR marathon starting March 22!! Don't miss it!

Summer Reading Program will be starting soon. Watch for announcements on that and registration information. This is for ages Adults through young children! Come Join Us!  …and explore new worlds. Besides reading incentives we will have summer programs and events for the children and also the adults! Keep watching!!!

You can find our website at 
And our other blog at RPL's Movies and Music


March 18

The Roman Senate annuls Tiberius' will and proclaims Caligula emperor.

William Penn is deprived of his governing powers.

Confederate women riot in Salisbury, N.C. to protest the lack of flour and salt in the South.

The Congress of the Confederate States of America adjourns for the last time.

Hawaii signs a treaty giving exclusive trading rights with the islands to the United States.

Barnum and Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth opens in Madison Square Gardens.

Theodore Roosevelt opens the Roosevelt Dam in Phoenix, Ariz., the largest dam in the United States to date.

Greek King George I is killed by an assassin. Constantine I is to succeed.

On the Eastern Front, the Russians counter the Verdun assault with an attack at Lake Naroch. The Russians lose 100,000 men and the Germans lose 20,000.

The Germans sink the U.S. ships, City of Memphis, Vigilante and the Illinois, without any type of warning.

Mahatma Gandhi is sentenced to six years in prison for civil disobedience in India.

Georgia finally ratifies the Bill of Rights, 150 years after the birth of the federal government. Connecticut and Massachusetts, the only other states to hold out, also ratify the Bill of Rights in this year.

The third military draft begins in the United States.

Adolf Hitler calls off the offensive in the Caucasus.

American forces take Gafsa in Tunisia.

The Russians reach the Rumanian border.

Nationalist troops land on the mainland of China and capture Communist-held Sungmen.

The Braves baseball team announces that they are moving from Boston to Milwaukee.

Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov becomes the first man to spacewalk when he exits his Voskhod 2 space capsule while in orbit around the Earth.

President Richard M. Nixon authorizes Operation Menue, the'secret' bombing of Cambodia.

The U.S. Postal Service is paralyzed by the first postal strike.

U.S. helicopters airlift 1,000 South Vietnamese soldiers out of Laos.

South Vietnam abandons most of the Central Highlands to North Vietnamese forces.

The United States discloses biological weapons tests in Texas in 1966.

Buckingham Palace announces the engagement of Prince Andrew to Sarah Ferguson.
Born on March 18

John C. Calhoun, U.S. statesman.

Stephen Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1885-1889 and 1893-1897), the only U.S. president elected for two nonconsecutive terms.

Stephane Mallarme, French symbolist poet.

Rudolf Diesel, German engineer who designed the compression-ignition engine.

Neville Chamberlin, British Prime Minister (1937-40).

Wilfred Owen, World War I poet.

John Updike, American poet and novelist.

Frederik W. deKlerk, President of the Republic of South Africa.


(DES-wi-tood, -tyood)

noun: A state of disuse.

From Latin de- (away from) + suescere (to become accustomed). Earliest documented use: 1623.

"Far from being a high-tech wonder, the Earth Station had a sad, neglected air about it, a feeling of desuetude and abandonment."
Douglas Preston; Impact; Forge Books; 2010.

Art is like baby shoes. When you coat them with gold, they can no longer be worn. -John Updike, writer (1932-2009)

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods


Arugula & Chicken Sausage Bread Pudding
Chicken sausage comes in a variety of flavors these days. The flavor you pick will have a big impact, so make sure you pick one you like. We tried and liked sweet Italian, apple and Chardonnay sausage and sun-dried tomato and spinach sausage in this recipe.

Serves: 6
Preparation time: 30 minutes

For the custard:
4 large egg whites
4 large eggs
1 cup skim milk

For the seasonings:
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup sliced fresh basil

For the bread & filling:
4 cups whole-grain bread, crusts removed if desired, cut into 1-inch cubes (about 1/2 pound, 4-6 slices)
5 cups chopped arugula, wilted
3/4 cup chopped artichoke hearts, frozen (thawed) or canned
1 cup diced cooked chicken sausage (5 ounces)

For the topping:
3/4 cup shredded fontina cheese

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Coat an 11" x 7" glass baking dish or a 2-quart casserole with cooking spray.

2. To prepare custard: Whisk egg whites, eggs and milk in a medium bowl. Add mustard, salt, pepper and basil: whisk to combine.

3. Toss bread, arugula, artichokes and sausage in a large bowl. Add the custard and toss well to coat. Transfer to the prepared baking dish and push down to compact. Cover with foil.

4. Bake until the custard has set, 40-45 minutes. Uncover, sprinkle with cheese and continue baking until the pudding is puffed and golden on top, 15-20 minutes more. Transfer to a wire rack and cool for 15-20 minutes before serving.


Nutrition Facts
Per serving:
272 calories
11 g fat (4 g sat, 0 g mono)
174 mg cholesterol
24 g carbohydrate
20 g protein
5 g fiber
696 mg sodium
435 mg potassium

Mar 12th Mini Quiche
Mar 13th Red Velvet Waffles, with cream cheese gravy – (I didn't say they would be healthy!)
Mar 14th Triple Berry Smoothie – not just for breakfast any more.

Healthy recipes:


Now You Know!

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