
Thursday, March 20, 2014

SHORTIE TIP – Diacritical Marks

Genealogy tip for the day: SHORTIE TIP – Diacritical Marks

Several countries use the Roman Alphabet, as does English. But some countries have special markings on their letters that we do not. For example, the umlaut is one and the accent mark is another. When searching names through a search engine, you do not need these marks as search engines go by spelling, not pronunciation.

These marks are to help you know how to pronounce a word, usually a vowel differently than the standard, straight forward ones. But search engines don’t care how you say the name. They can’t hear you anyway! ;-) So don’t worry about trying to put them in. Just type in the letters of a word without marks and hit search.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

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Are you a Lord of the Rings lover? We are having a LOTR marathon starting March 22!! Don't miss it!

Summer Reading Program will be starting soon. Watch for announcements on that and registration information. This is for ages Adults through young children! Come Join Us - and explore new worlds. There will be programming for Adults as well as the Children.

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And our other blog at RPL's Movies and Music

Patty Hearst

Today in History
March 20

Henry IV of England is succeed by his son Henry V.

In India, Nadir Shah of Persia occupies Delhi and takes possession of the Peacock throne.

The Great Fire of Boston destroys 349 buildings.

In Paris, the Legislative Assembly approves the use of the guillotine.

Napoleon Bonaparte enters Paris and begins his 100-day rule.

Edgar Allen Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue, considered the first detective story, is published.

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.

Army officers in Russia mutiny at Sevastopol.

The French call off the Champagne offensive on the Western Front.

The Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union ask for American aid to rebuild their army.

President Warren G. Harding orders U.S. troops back from the Rhineland.

The German dirigible, Graf Zepplin, makes the first flight to South America on regular schedule.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt names William O. Douglas to the Supreme Court.

The British Royal Air Force conducts an all-night air raid on the Nazi airbase at Sylt, Germany.

The Allies attack Field Marshall Erwin Rommel's forces on the Mareth Line in North Africa.

President Lyndon B. Johnson orders 4,000 troops to protect the Selma-Montgomery civil rights marchers.

Senator Edward Kennedy calls on the United States to close all bases in Taiwan.

Patty Hearst is convicted of armed robbery.

U.S. scientists return from Antarctica with the first land mammal fossils found there.

The United State approves AZT, a drug that is proven to slow the progress of AIDS.
Born on March 20

Ovid, Roman poet.

Napoleon II, son of Napoleon Bonaparte, Duke of Reichstadt.

Henrik Isben, Norwegian dramatist (Peer Gynt, Hedda Gabler).

B.F. Skinner, American psychologist.

Dame Vera Lynn , British singer.

Raymond Walter Goulding, Radio comedian of Bob and Ray fame.

John Ehrlichman, White House advisor to President Nixon.

Fred Rogers, television performer (Mr. Roger's Neighborhood).

Shelton 'Spike' Lee, film director (Do the Right Thing, Malcolm X).

Mr. Rogers

Word for the Day


noun: Pretentious display of superficial knowledge.

From Late Latin sciolus (smatterer), diminutive of Latin scius (knowing), from scire (to know). Ultimately from the Indo-European root skei- (to cut or split), which also gave us schism, ski, shin, science, conscience, nice, scienter, nescient, exscind, and adscititious. Earliest documented use: 1810.

"This consists of some of the dullest sciolism in the history of prose, a standardized academic jargon and rhetoric, the dutiful rehearsal of received theory, and the deliberate misrepresentation of anything challenging or rejecting academic postmodernism."
Michael Donaghy; The Shape of the Dance; Picador; 2009.


Life cannot be classified in terms of a simple neurological ladder, with human beings at the top; it is more accurate to talk of different forms of intelligence, each with its strengths and weaknesses. This point was well demonstrated in the minutes before last December's tsunami, when tourists grabbed their digital cameras and ran after the ebbing surf, and all the 'dumb' animals made for the hills. -B.R. Myers, author (b. 1963)

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods

Cranberry Muesli
There may be as many versions of muesli as there are breakfast cereals, but this one’s modeled after the original Swiss wake-you-up - a combination of overnight-soaked grains, nuts, dried fruit and yogurt. Make it the night before and you’ll have breakfast ready when you are.

Serves: 6
Preparation time: 10 minutes

1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1/2 cup unsweetened or fruit-juice-sweetened cranberry juice
6 tablespoons old-fashioned rolled oats (not quick-cooking or steel-cut)
2 tablespoons dried cranberries
1 tablespoon unsalted sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon wheat germ
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt

1.  Combine yogurt, juice, oats, cranberries, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, honey, vanilla and salt in a medium bowl; cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours and up to 1 day.


Nutrition Facts
Per serving:
209 calories
4 g fat (1 g sat, 0 g mono)
4 mg cholesterol
37 g carbohydrate
8 g protein
3 g fiber
190 mg sodium
266 mg potassium

Nutrition Bonus: calcium (15% Daily Value)

March Breakfast Foods
Mar 12th Mini Quiche
Mar 13th Red Velvet Waffles, with cream cheese gravy – (I didn’t say they would be healthy!)
Mar 14th Triple Berry Smoothie – not just for breakfast any more.
Healthy recipes:


Now You Know!

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