
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Writing Your Story - Eye Appeal


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Based on eye appeal which of these would you pick up first? last?

Genealogy tip for the day: Writing Your Story – Eye Appeal

We use computers so much these days, not just for genealogy, but pretty much for everything. So to literally put pen to paper can be an adjustment for people. (I have heard that cursive is not even being taught in some schools.) It is good exercise, and it makes your thinking slow down to the speed of your hand as it writes. This can be good as it helps you formulate and even revise what you want to say, sometimes even before you get it written.

To make your book even more interesting, there are genealogy charts and forms that you can include in the book, along with pictures of family and other images. You may already be familiar with the family group sheets and generations charts. A generation/ancestor chart helps readers to see how people are connected to others. It ‘kinda’ acts as a roadmap.

I’ve read a lot of historical fiction and when charts like these are included it is much easier to keep track of who is who. This is helpful when you the reader are new to all the names and you are trying to keep them all sorted in your head. The author or writer will know the topic inside and out, but it may be totally new to the reader. Keep this in mind as you write. Make it as simple as you can. Include charts and forms for the reader to make the book more interesting and aids in illustrating what is being talked about when you can.

There are also charts and forms that will help you track your work. You will find correspondence logs, interview sheets, individual forms, time line forms, relationship charts and more. Some of these could also be included in your book. Here is a google search with a list of sites you can go to for these.

We talked about ‘white space’ on a previous post. The opposite of that would be how much room your text takes up on the page. When you add pictures or illustrations it also helps reduce the text space. You can still have just as much text in the book as a whole, just spread it out so that the amount of text per page is reduced. This gives the eye the feeling that it will be a quick read.

Pulled quotes and enlarging them on the side is another element you can use. It grabs attention, as well as creates “white space.” All in all, when you think you are done with the book and have a copy printed out, look through it for eye appeal (not to mention things like editing and revising…but that’s a topic for another time). Esthetics goes a long way in selling your product.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

Aaron Burr

February 19

The revolt of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, against King Henry IV, ends with his defeat and death at Bramham Moor.

Philip V of Spain makes his ceremonial entry into Madrid.

Vice President Aaron Burr is arrested in Alabama for treason. He is later found innocent.

Rescuers finally reach the ill-fated Donnor Party in the Sierras.

Russian Tsar Alexander II abolishes serfdom.

Smallpox vaccination becomes obligatory in France.

The Austria-Hungary government decrees a mandatory two year military service.

British and French warships begin their attacks on the Turkish forts at the mouth of the Dardenelles, in an abortive expedition to force the straits of Gallipoli.

American troops are recalled from the Mexican border.

The First Pan African Congress meets in Paris, France.

President Calvin Coolidge proposes the phasing out of inheritance tax.

Dr. Lane of Princeton estimates the earth's age at one billion years.

Port Darwin, on the northern coast of Australia, is bombed by the Japanese.

The U.S. Eighth Air Force and Royal Air Force begin "Big Week," a series of heavy bomber attacks against German aircraft production facilities.

Fourteen Vietnam War protesters are arrested for blocking the United Nations' doors in New York.

Robert F. Kennedy suggests the United States offer the Vietcong a role in governing South Vietnam.

Britain slashes welfare spending.

The U.S. State Department calls El Salvador a "textbook case" of a Communist plot.

New York Governor Mario Cuomo declares that he will not run for president in the next election.
Born on February 19

Nicholas Copernicus, Polish astronomer who introduced the idea that the earth revolved around the sun.

Philip V, King of Spain.

William III, King of the Netherlands.

Svante Arrhenius, Swedish chemist, founder of physical chemistry.

Kay Boyle, short story writer ("The White Horses of Vienna").

Merle Oberon, film actress.

Carson McCuller, writer (The Heart is a Lonely Hunter).

Smokey Robinson, American singer and songwriter.

Amy Tan, novelist (The Joy Luck CLub, The Kitchen God's Wife).

Nicholas Copernicus



noun: Apathy; boredom; sloth.

From Latin acedia, from Greek akedia, from a- (not) + kedos (care). Earliest documented use: 1607.

"Acedia plagues the novice much more than the experienced solitary; unlike some of the new guards, I do not suffer from boredom or listlessness."
Chloe Aridjis; Asunder; Mariner Books; 2013.

Barricades of ideas are worth more than barricades of stones. -José Martí, revolutionary and poet (1853-1895)

Today’s Recipe
February - Chocolate Lover’s Month

1 3/4 cups (1/2-inch) cubed Hawaiian sweet bread
2/3 cup 2% reduced-fat milk
2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
1 tablespoon Kahlúa (coffee-flavored liqueur)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg, lightly beaten
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Cooking spray
1 ounce semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons frozen fat-free whipped topping, thawed

Preheat oven to 350°.
Arrange bread cubes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake at 350° for 5 minutes, or until toasted. Remove bread from oven; decrease oven temperature to 325°.
Combine milk and next 5 ingredients (milk through egg) in a medium bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Add bread, tossing gently to coat. Cover and chill 30 minutes or up to 4 hours.
Divide half of bread mixture evenly between 2 (6-ounce) ramekins or custard cups coated with cooking spray; sprinkle evenly with half of chocolate. Divide remaining bread mixture between ramekins; top with remaining chocolate.
Place ramekins in an 8-inch square baking pan; add hot water to pan to a depth of 1 inch. Bake at 325° for 35 minutes or until set. Serve each pudding warm with 1 tablespoon whipped topping.


Now You Know!

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