
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Here's a Writing Challenge Just For You!


Geek Day 2.8 is Today, Saturday, February 8th.  Come See Us.

ATTENTION: Adobe Digital Editions has come out with version 3. However, it will NOT allow you to read books from older versions on your e-reader.  If you have an e-reader, do NOT upgrade to this newer version. If you do, there is no fix to enable you to read the older books.

Do you have a young reader in your house, or a pre-reader? Check out our Tumble Books in our e-resources. They are animated talking picture books for your young'uns, which will teach them to love reading.

No Computer Classes Today because of Geek Day. See Above!

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

There will be no blog posts from the 14th -17th


Genealogy tip for the day: Writing Your Family History

Have you ever heard of “NaNoWriMo”? It stands for National November Writing Month. It is held annually and challenges you to write 50,000 words in a month’s time. Hundreds of thousands of people from across the country and around the world participate.

Do you like challenges? Recently I discovered that the genealogy world is doing the same thing. Or, similar, I should say. February is Family History Writing Challenge. It is on this website where the challenge is given and the information is posted for you participate. You will also find information about it on this blog site.

The Family History website had this to say:
          The challenge is designed to help you develop long-term writing habits, provide inspiration and offer some educational pointers with the support of industry professionals. It’s time to set the excuses aside and make 2014 the year you meet head on your family history writing goals
I would encourage you to look into this and see how much of this you can do. Anything will be more than nothing at all. Apparently you can even set your own goals from small to large.

If you thought you never could write stories, or put information into a narration format, let me encourage you to look at this challenge. It has lots of helps from suggestions, and inspiration to Helps for writer’s block.

You might be amazed at what you can do. And you won’t know until you try it. We would love to hear from you. If you participate, maybe we can post some of your short stories on here. Wouldn’t that be cool??? AND you get to see your name in print!

If you are interested in doing this (submitting a story to this blog), contact me at <>.  I will look forward to hearing from you. And, “Good Luck” with the challenge.

Pick up your pens and – GO!

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

Mary Queen of Scots

February 8

Mary, Queen of Scots is beheaded in Fotheringhay Castle for her alleged part in the conspiracy to usurp Elizabeth I.

At Eylau, Napoleon's Marshal Pierre Agureau attacks Russian forces in a heavy snowstorm.

Delegates from seceded states adopt a provisional Confederate Constitution.

Union troops under Gen. Ambrose Burnside defeat a Confederate defense force at the Battle of Roanoke Island, N.C.

Confederate raider William Quantrill and men attack a group of Federal wagons at New Market, Kentucky.

Congress passes the Dawes Act, which gives citizenship to Indians living apart from their tribe.

British General Buller is beaten at Ladysmith, South Africa as the British flee over the Tugela River.

In a surprise attack at Port Arthur, Korea, the Japanese disable seven Russian warships.

The Boy Scouts of America is incorporated.

The gas chamber is used for the first time to execute a murderer.

The Japanese land on Singapore.

British General Orde Wingate leads a guerrilla force of "Chindits" against the Japanese in Burma.

Elizabeth becomes Queen of England after her father, King George VI, dies.

The U.S. Defense Department reports the creation of the Military Assistance Command in South Vietnam.

South Vietnamese bomb the North Vietnamese communications center at Vinh Linh.

South Vietnamese ground forces, backed by American air power, begin Operation Lam Son 719, a 17,000 man incursion into Laos that ends three weeks later in a disaster.

CBS television temporarily suspends Andy Rooney for his anti-gay and ant-black remarks in a magazine interview.
Born on February 8

St. Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople

William T. Sherman, Union general in the American Civil War.

Jules Verne, French novelist, one of the first writers of science fiction (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea).

Dmitri Ivanovich Medeleyev, Russian chemist, developed the periodic table of elements.

Kate (O'Flaherty ) Chopin, novelist, short story writer (The Awakening).

Chester F. Carlson, physicist, inventor of xerography, the electrostatic dry-copy process.

Henry Roth, writer (Call it Sleep).

Elizabeth Bishop, poet.

Neal Cassaday, writer, counterculture proponent.

James Dean, film actor and 1950s teenage icon (Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden, Giant).

Ted Koppel, television journalist.

Ted Koppel


(HIG-uhl-dee PIG-uhl-dee)

adverb: In a disordered or random manner.
adjective: Confused; jumbled.

Of unknown origin, perhaps referring to the herding of pigs. Earliest documented use: 1598.

"Owl feathers, apple cores, and sweet wrappers littered the floor, a number of spell books lay higgledy-piggledy among the tangled robes on his bed."
J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; Bloomsbury; 2005.

The institution of royalty in any form is an insult to the human race. -Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)

Today’s Recipe
February - Chocolate Lover’s Month

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 sticks butter
4 heaping tablespoons cocoa powder

1 3/4 sticks butter
4 heaping tablespoons cocoa powder
6 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pound powdered sugar
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans, optional

For the cake: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar and salt. Stir together and set aside.
In another bowl, mix the buttermilk, baking soda, vanilla and eggs. Mix with a fork and set aside.
In a medium saucepan, melt the butter and add the cocoa. Whisk together to combine. Meanwhile, bring 1 cup water to a boil. When the butter is melted, pour the boiling water in the pan. Allow to bubble for a moment, then turn off the heat. Pour the chocolate mixture into the flour mixture. Stir together for a moment to cool the chocolate, then pour in the egg mixture. Stir together until smooth, then pour into an ungreased jelly roll pan (or rimmed baking sheet) and bake for 20 minutes.
While the cake is baking, make the icing: Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the cocoa powder and stir until smooth. Add the milk, vanilla and powdered sugar. Stir together. Dump in the pecans and stir until well combined.
Immediately after removing the cake from the oven, pour the warm icing over the top. You'll want to avoid doing much spreading, so try to distribute it evenly as you pour.
Cook's Notes:
For a child's birthday, omit pecans in the icing. Serve the cake with a large bowl of M and M's and allow the kids to decorate it themselves.
This cake can also be made into cupcakes: Just fill muffin tins a little less full with the batter than you normally would so the baked cupcakes remain below the upper rim. That way, the thin icing can be poured into each tin.


Now You Know!

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