
Thursday, February 27, 2014

DNA and Ancestry - Summary


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Genealogy tip for the day: DNA and Ancestry – Summary

DNA is a new and growing aspect to genealogy. There are at least three places you can have this done: Ancestry, 23andMe, and National Geographic. There probably are others, but these are the primary ones. The costs range from $100 to over $600 (maybe even more) depending on what you want tested.  From time to time you will see sales offered and you would be able to get these cheaper. I chose Ancestry for my testing, more because of economics and the fact that I have a tree on Ancestry. This is probably a selling point for many people.

When you go with Ancestry, you receive an email notice in about 2 months telling you the results are in. From there you research it all on Ancestry.  The results vary from very general results to specific matches to other people in Ancestry.

The Ethnic Estimate gives you a general response, showing to what part of the world your DNA traces. Of course broadly speaking there are not many choices – basically Europe, Africa or Asia. In my case it was all Europe. But within that designation it does show what countries, of varying degrees, is in your background. Here it may give you a specific country or a broader designation. In my case it indicated Great Britain with the largest percentage, the next largest was “West Europe” which took in more than one country. The Ethnic Estimate has been a popular result that Ancestry offers. In some cases I can imagine it might be a surprise what it tells you, especially if it turns out to show a mixed race of which you were not aware.

The other 'half' of the results gives the Matches. Here you actually find a variety of things, but all are within the matches Ancestry lists for you. One, of course, is the full list. It will start out with various levels of kinship, starting with the ones that are closest to you. These will all start with a blue dot which goes away when you've looked at it.

After you have looked at some and have clicked on the yellow star to track, then on this first page, called the DNA homepage, you can click on it and go straight to a list of just the “stars.” 

The ‘High Confidence Matches’ are the ones where Ancestry has suggested you may be related. This list appears to have everyone that Ancestry believes there is a common ancestor. When I initially started this series of posts, Ancestry used a green leaf to indicate a match to someone else. Now today, I see they have an asterisk icon instead of a leaf. So I don’t know if this is a recent update, or temporary change. But nevertheless, the results should be the same. This list is probably the most valuable list. 
When you go to the list of matches there are even more ways to go through your list, with indications/icons pertaining to the entries to help guide you through the list. My results provided a few third cousins who are the closest related to me. Next level was the 4th cousin level, and last was the 5th-8th cousins. I’m sure this varies to some degree depending on the individual’s situation. I assume there could be cases where siblings might even be found using this method.  Apparently, they do not go beyond the 8th cousin level. But at that point you are 2-3 centuries back. Here, I would say even “shirt tail” relation doesn't even apply. J

Regarding the icons, I see today also, on an individual’s page, there is an “x” where you can remove that entry from your list instead of a trashcan.

All in all this has been an interesting experience for me and it is on-going. Today, I received a new response from a possible cousin that I am anxious to pursue. So, let me encourage you to try this and see what you can come up with on your genealogy map! With genealogy, the fun never stops. Literally!

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

February 27

Theodosius effectively founds a university in Constantinople.

German Protestants form the League of Schmalkalden to resist the power of the emperor.

The Pacific Island of New Britain is discovered.

Napoleon's Marshal Nicholas Oudinot is pushed back at Barsur-Aube by the Emperor's allied enemies shortly before his abdication.

The first Mardi-Gras celebration is held in New Orleans.

The first Union prisoners arrive at Andersonville Prison in Georgia.

Confederate raider William Quantrill and his bushwackers attack Hickman, Kentucky, shooting women and children.

The Japanese push Russians back in Manchuria and cross the Sha River.

The forty-sixth star is added to the U.S. flag, signifying Oklahoma's admission to statehood.

The United States rejects a Soviet peace offer as propaganda.

Glacier Bay National Monument is dedicated in Alaska.

The burning down of the Reichstag building in Berlin gives the Nazis the opportunity to suspend personal liberty with increased power.

The Supreme Court outlaws sit-down strikes.

British Commandos raid a German radar station at Bruneval on the French coast.

F-84 Thunderjets raid North Korean base on Yalu River.

South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem is unharmed as two planes bomb the presidential palace in Saigon.

The Soviet Union says that 10,000 troops will remain in Cuba.

Thousands of students protest President Richard Nixon's arrival in Rome.

U.S. Supreme Court rules that a Virginia pool club can't bar residents because of color.

Debi Thomas becomes the first African American to win a medal at the Winter Olympics.

Coalition forces liberate Kuwait after seven months of occupation by the Iraqi army.
Born on February 27

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet.

Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court justice.

Lotte Lehmann, German opera singer.

David Sarnoff, RCA board chairman and a pioneer of U.S. television

Marian Anderson, singer.

John Steinbeck, American novelist (The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men).

James T. Farrel, author (Young Lonigan).

Peter De Vries, writer, poetry editor (Poetry Magazine, The New Yorker).

Lawrence Durrell, novelist (The Alexandria Quartet).

John Connally, Texas Governor, wounded in the assassination of President John Kennedy.

Joanne Woodward, actress (Rachel, Rachel, The Three Faces of Eve).

Elizabeth Taylor, actress (Cleopatra, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?).

Ralph Nader, consumer advocate.

mano a mano

(MA-no a MA-no)

In direct competition; head-to-head.
One-on-one; face-to-face.
1. A bullfight where two matadors compete in turn, fighting several bulls.
2. A direct or face-to-face confrontation.

From Spanish mano a mano (hand to hand). Earliest documented use: 1950.

"Today, the editorial board of The Denver Post will go mano a mano with our colleagues at The Seattle Times over which city is better."
It Just Wouldn't Be Fair to Bring These Things Up; Denver Post; Feb 2, 2014.

Every man has his secret sorrows, which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

Today’s Recipe
February - Chocolate Lover’s Month

1 cup (250ml) whipping cream
5 tbsps.(75g) salted butter
1 tsp. (5ml) fleur de sel (definition)
1 3/4 cup + 2 tbsps. (380g) granulated sugar
1/4 cup (60g) corn syrup
1/3 cup (80ml) water
1 tsp. (5ml) fresh lemon juice
Tempered dark or milk chocolate for enrobing (see instructions)
Line and 8-inch (20cm) square pan with plastic wrap. Combine whipping cream, butter and fleur de sel in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and set aside.
In another saucepan, combine sugar, corn syrup and water and cook on high heat (without stirring) until a candy thermometer reads 360°F (185°C) or mixture turns a dark caramel color. This can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your stove and the kind of saucepan you are using.
Remove from the heat and, standing back in case mixture splatters, stir in cream mixture with a long-handled spoon. Return saucepan to high heat and cook, stirring constantly, until candy thermometer reaches 250°F (120°C). Remove from the heat. Add lemon juice and stir until well combined. Pour into prepared pan and let set overnight.
Unmold caramel from pan, peel off plastic wrap, and cut into desired shapes using a lightly oiled knife. Place caramels on a tray lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Using a fork, dip caramels into tempered chocolate and slide on another tray lined with a silicone mat. Optionally while chocolate is still wet, finish with a few grains of fleur de sel. Let set for about 4 hours, then store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 3 weeks.

February’s Recipes:


Now You Know!

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