
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photo Tip: Identifying the Photographers' Studios


IT'S THURSDAY FOLKS!! Thursday posts don't get written till in the afternoon - or later, as the case of today's post. Sorry to be so late, but I hope you will enjoy it all the same.

ATTENTION: Adobe Digital Editions has come out with version 3. However, it will NOT allow you to read books from older versions on your e-reader.  If you have an e-reader, do NOT upgrade to this newer version. If you do, there is no fix to enable you to read the older books.

STAR TREK MARATHON coming! First week of February 1-7, showing movies and episodes - leading up to…

Geek Day 2.8 on Saturday, February 8th. Mark your calendar!!

Do you have a young reader in your house, or a pre-reader? Check out our Tumble Books in our e-resources. They are animated talking picture books for your young'uns, which will teach them to love reading.

Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need. Drop in anytime during those two hours.

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

Captain Kirk

Studio Insignia example, w/ street address

Genealogy tip for the day: Identifying People in Photographs

In trying to identify the people you have in an unmarked/unidentified photo is to first determine what type of photo you have. We have already discussed the various types from the 1800’s. This is your first move and the timeline will help you begin to narrow the time period your photo was taken.

The next step is to see if there is any kind of studio identification. You need to check the front, the back and if in a case or frame thoroughly check the frame. If you are lucky it will give you the location – at least the city and state. Occasionally it may even give you the street. Compare this with where your family members lived at the time of the photo.

It is sometimes a little more difficult to find any information on a studio, esp if they are out of business. Old city directories may give you that information. If they are still in business, there’s a possibility that you could contact the studio and see if they still have the records that far back and tell you who at least ordered the pictures to be taken. They may even have other information they could give you.

To find the directories, you could try contacting the local library, or a genealogical or historical society in the area. Ask if they can determine the time period the studio was in business. If you find out that your photographer was in business for a short period of time that will help narrow the time period that you picture was taken.

Sometimes you can even find photographers’ directories online for certain areas. For example the Early St. Louis Photographer Directory is found at <>. I would even suggest you put in geographical parameters when you search.

I had heard that Kodak in Rochester, NY had had some information in their museum of past photographers. But in researching for this post, I have not been able to locate that information. More time, or other eyes may produce better results.

Next time we will look at some other ideas of determining who are in your pictures. Approximate age, and style of clothes are other clues that guide us to solving the mystery.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

January 30

Charles I of England is beheaded at Whitehall by the executioner Richard Brandon.

Richard Theodore Greener becomes the first African American to graduate from Harvard University.

The USS Monitor is launched at Greenpoint, Long Island.

Women Prohibitionists smash 12 saloons in Kansas.

The British House of Lords opposes the House of Commons by rejecting home rule for Ireland.

The United States awards civil government to the Virgin Islands.

Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor by President Paul Hindenburg.

Governor Harold Hoffman orders a new inquiry into the Lindbergh kidnapping.

Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus surrenders himself and his staff to Red Army troops in Stalingrad.

The Allies launch a drive on the Siegfried line in Germany.

In India, 100,000 people pray at the site of Gandhi's assassination on the first anniversary of his death.

President Dwight Eisenhower announces that he will pull the Seventh Fleet out of Formosa to permit the Nationalists to attack Communist China.

The Ranger spacecraft, equipped with six TV cameras, is launched to the moon from Cape Canaveral.

British troops shoot dead 14 Irish civilians in Derry, Ireland. The day is forever remembered in Ireland as 'Bloody Sunday.'

The U.S. Supreme Court bans spending limits in campaigns, equating funds with freedom of speech.

The first-ever Chinese Olympic team arrives in New York for the Winter Games at Lake Placid.
Born on January 30

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States.

John Henry Towers, American naval aviation pioneer.

Barbara Tuchman, U.S. historian (The Guns of August).

lallygag or lollygag

(LAL-ee-gag, LOL-ee-gag)

verb intr.:
1. To fool around, waste time, or spend time lazily.
2. To neck.

Origin uncertain. Earliest documented use: 1862.

"I lallygagged around and when it was evident that they were not coming home to take me, I had to start off."
Margaret Mason; A Memory at Large; RoseDog Books; 2011.
War is the unfolding of miscalculations. -Barbara Tuchman, historian (1912-1989)

Today’s Recipe
Soups for Cold Winter Days

Here’s an old standby:

Creamy, hearty New England clam chowder is by far the most popular chowder style (compared to Manhattan or Rhode Island versions). Chowder made with milk or cream began appearing in the early 1800s, and New Englanders claimed it as their own in the 1900s. Many versions use a flour and butter roux to thicken the soup. The roux is necessary if you’re cooking with milk; otherwise, it curdles when boiled. This chowder gets its thick texture from a combination of heavy cream and puréed potatoes. You can crush some of the potatoes against the side of the pot (instead of puréeing the vegetables) for a thinner but equally delicious version.

·         3 oz. thick-cut bacon (2 to 3 slices), cut crosswise into 1/4-inch strips
·         1-1/2 oz. unsalted butter (3 Tbs.)
·         1 large yellow onion, cut into small dice (about 2 cups)
·         4 tender inner celery stalks, cut into 1/2-inch dice (about 1 cup)
·         4 cups diluted clam broth, plus the reserved clam meat (1-1/2 to 2 cups), finely chopped
·         2 lb. large Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch dice (about 4-1/2 ­cups)
·         2 bay leaves
·         1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
·         Freshly ground black pepper
·         1 cup heavy cream
·         3 Tbs. chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
·         Kosher salt
Cook the bacon in a wide heavy-duty 4- to 5-quart pot or Dutch oven over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until just beginning to turn crisp and golden, about 4 minutes. Remove from the heat. Pour off and discard the bacon fat, leaving the bacon in the pot. Add the butter and onion and cook over low heat, covered, stirring occasionally, until the onion is softened but not colored, about 8 minutes. Add the celery and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until just softened, about 5 minutes. Add the clam broth, potatoes, bay leaves, thyme, and 1 tsp. pepper. Bring to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat to maintain a simmer and cook, partially covered, until the potatoes are tender, 10 to 12 minutes. Discard the bay leaves.
Purée 1 ­cup of the soup solids with just enough liquid to cover in a food processor or blender, and add it back to the soup. Add the cream and bring to a boil.
Remove the soup from the heat, wait until it stops simmering (this may take a minute if you’re using a Dutch oven), and stir in the clams and parsley. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
nutrition information (per serving):
Calories (kcal): 370; Fat (g): 18; Fat Calories (kcal): 160; Saturated Fat (g): 10; Protein (g): 22; Monounsaturated Fat (g): 5; Carbohydrates (g): 28; Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 1; Sodium (mg): 1070; Cholesterol (mg): 105; Fiber (g): 3;


Now You Know!

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