
Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need. Drop in anytime during those two hours.

Check out our new blog on movies and music at: RPL's Movies and Music by Robert Finch

STAR TREK MARATHON coming! First week of February 1-7, showing movies and episodes - leading up to…

Geek Day 2.8 on Saturday, February 8th. Mark your calendar!!

Genealogy tip for the day: DNA
I have finally bit the bullet. I have for some time wanted to submit to the DNA testing. I saw that it was on sale during the Holiday season for a more reasonable price, so I ordered it. Last night I opened the kit and gave my donation of DNA and put it in the mail this morning. I don’t know how long it will take to get the results, but I will let you know.

In the meantime, I would like to encourage you to do the same. There are different levels of testing that can be done. The basic is the least expensive, the full range can cost a few hundred dollars. You can start with the simple test and work your way up to the more extensive ones. So, do your homework, and get started.

“History – it’s who we are; Genealogy – it’s who I am” sg

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is beneficial in anyway.

Fort Fisher, NC


Riots flare in Mexico when it is announced that all churches are to be closed.

In a secret session, Congress plans to annex Spanish East Florida.

Union troops capture Fort Fisher, North Carolina.

The first telephone line between Berlin and New York is inaugurated.

Peasants in Central Russia rise against the Bolsheviks.

The Dry Law goes into effect in the United States. Selling liquor and beer becomes illegal.

The United States approves a $150 million loan to Poland, Austria and Armenia to aid in their war with the Russian communists.

The Dumbarton Bridge opens in San Francisco carrying the first auto traffic across the bay.

The U.S. Senate ratifies the Kellogg-Briand anti-war pact.

Amelia Earhart sets an aviation record for women at 171 mph in a Lockheed Vega.

In London, Japan quits all naval disarmament talks after being denied equality.

The U.S. Fifth Army successfully breaks the German Winter Line in Italy with the capture of Mount Trocchio.

Chinese Communists occupy Tientsin after a 27-hour battle with Nationalist forces.

Sir Winston Churchill suffers a severe stroke.

Some 462 Yale faculty members call for an end to the bombing in North Vietnam.

US President Richard Nixon announces the suspension of offensive action by US troops in Vietnam.

Four of six remaining Watergate defendants plead guilty.

The Alvor Agreement is signed, ending the Angolan War of independence and granting that country independence from Portugal.

Sara Jane Moore sentenced to life in prison for her failed attempt to assassinate US President Gerald Ford.

UN deadline for Iraq to withdraw its forces from occupied Kuwait passes, setting the stage for Operation Desert Storm.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II approves Australia instituting its own Victoria Cross honors system, the first county in the British Commonwealth permitted to do so.

Slovenia and Croatia's independence from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is recognized by the international community.

Wikipedia goes online.
Capt. Sullenberger lands plane in the Hudson after a bird strike, disabling the engines.

Philip Livingston


Moliere [Jean Baptiste Poquelin], French comic dramatist best remembered for his play La Tartuffe.

Philip Livingston, signatory to the Declaration of Independence.

Mathew Brady, Civil War photographer.

Aristotle Onassis, Greek tycoon.

Edward Teller, Hungarian-born U.S. physicist known as the "Father of the H-bomb."

Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Princess Michael of Kent (Baroness Marie Christine Anna Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz), married to Prince Michael of Kent, grandson of Britain's King George V.

Ronnie Van Zant, singer, songwriter; founding member of Lynyrd Skynyrd band.

Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia.

Word for the Day

noun: One having great power, especially an autocratic person.

Via French, from Latin posse (to be able). Ultimately from the Indo-European root poti- (powerful, lord), which is also the source of power, potent, possess, pasha, compossible, impuissance, and puissant. Earliest documented use: 1475.

"The company has always been good at finding oil, whether by discovering new fields deep beneath the ocean floor or by schmoozing potentates such as Libya's Colonel Muammar Qaddafi."
Stanley Reed; Refilling BP's Tank; BusinessWeek (New York); Jul 22, 2007.

Quote for the Day
Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. -Martin Luther King Jr., civil-rights leader (1929-1968)

Today’s Recipe
Soups for Cold Winter Days
We’ll hopefully post one tomorrow.


Now You Know!

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