
Friday, December 6, 2013

Why Do You Do Genealogy, #8



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Genealogy tip for today: Why Do You Do Genealogy, #8 – Misc.

This has been a long and interesting journey. I have been asked many times why I do genealogy. Some folks consider it a waste of time, even quoting scripture to support their view. But this cursory view has even brought up points I had not previously thought of. The remaining items don’t necessary need discussing, more of just making note.

-Religious tenets: I will comment here that genealogy was very important in the Bible because of verifying the Christ Child. But with everything else we are encouraged to keep everything in perspective. …Some churches require that you know who your ancestors were; others don't.

-Heritage/Lineage Societies: If you are interested in joining one of these organizations you have to prove your eligibility.

-Interested in Migratory Patterns, more than just history in general.

-Discovery of records heretofore unknown.

-Desire to publish a book, either for family or for profit.

-Personal desire or satisfaction: Some folks have a desire or passion for life long learning and this provides that opportunity. Researching genealogy also teaches one how to do research, in general. Some folks acknowledge that ancestor hunting just has its own special thrill.

If you have made it this far through our discussion, here’s hoping that you learned something new, or found information that will be helpful in your own conversations with people on the topic.

Do you have any thoughts or ideas that we haven’t mentioned? We would love to hear from you and give us your thoughts on the topic.


In conclusion, I want to say thanks to the following websites for their contributions to this topic: ;; and .

A lot of what I have here comes from them with my own thoughts thrown in.

Here are some other sources of information that discuss this topic:

Why Genealogy is Important - Genealogy In Time
View sSome people have very specific reasons for tracing their family tree. Others jump into family history research without giving it much thought. Knowledge of the ...
View shared pWhy get children involved with family history, and how do you do it? Here are a few reasons and suggestions: Family history provides kids with a connection to ...
View Aug 30, 2011 - One can speculate about the interest shown in genealogy. From nosiness to hobby to serious specialty, the focus on one's ancestors and their ...
Jun 25, 2012 - I do genealogy to find the people that made me who I am. .... histories … looking to confirm with modern genealogical standards, the history that ...
Introduction to Genealogy - Lesson One: Genealogical Basics
View shaLearn about the reasons people get involved in genealogy and what you can gain by tracing your family tree for future generations.
Jun 25, 2007 - However, the cover of the magazine screams out "Why Genealogy is Bunk" ... such as Roots, he attacks the credibility of genealogical research.
View shared postNov 14, 2013 - When you tell someone that you are a genealogist, you get many questions; when did you start, how long have you been tracing your family ... › ... › Family History and Genealogy
View shared postLearn what's involved with genealogy, and whether it might be the right hobby for you.
View shared postDec 18, 2012 - I've been asked several times recently why I research my family history - why genealogy is even important. I've been considering an ...
View shared pAlex Haley wrote the Foreword to Ethnic Genealogy: A Research Guide, published by Greenwood Press of Westport, Connecticut in 1983 and edited by Jessie ...

Now You Know!

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