
Monday, November 18, 2013

Which Way Did He Go, George?

THIS SATURDAY: "Geek the Library" November 23rd, at the Rogers Public Library - Bring us your tech "?'s"
Looney tunes: Abominable Snowman

Genealogy tip for today: Which way did he go, George? Which way did he go?

Do you remember hearing that phrase from the Bugs Bunny cartoons? Mel Blanc, who voiced many characters, transformed his voice into the rabbit obsessed Abominable Snowman! He (the Snowman, not Mel) would hold Bugs by the throat and say “I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him and call him my own!” …as he patted ole Bugs on the head with more than just a little force.

When you’re doing genealogy and your family disappears for a time or “forever” you may feel like that Abominable Snowman cause you have no idea which way did they go? Okay, so I have a weird mind to think of that Mr. Snowman. But, hey, I’m an otter and otters are playful. (Don’t try to figure that one out if you don’t know; just roll with me here!) :-)

Invariably at some point you are going to have a family disappear for a time, maybe between censuses or after a particular census. How do you find them again?

Censuses: Censuses are a little easier to trace now that they are online and “all” you have to do is type in their name and see how many censuses in which they show up. In the not-too-distant old days, you would have to go through the index of every state for every year to find a possible listing of your ancestor. Now it is a little easier. This is probably the easiest research tip to do first.

Neighbors: There are several things you need to keep in mind. We will be looking at those over the next few days. The first one comes from the “cluster theory” idea. Look at what family members or friends live where your ancestor lived. Especially note the ones that were witnesses to important documents, like a marriage or a will, or who were the godparents of a child. See if you can find them in a new place. Lots of times people would move where someone else has gone before them. It’s the good ole ‘networking’ idea.  It’s who you know. So if you had a friend or a friend of a friend that hears of better times someplace else, they are apt to go where someone else has already gone or is going.

Tomorrow we will look at transportation and trails, and the economy.

Last week we talked about different calendars. I found this website that gives more information regarding this topic.

If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is helpful in anyway.

As of 4 pm Central Standard Time we have hit 3000 page views since first starting in the middle of August. Woo Hoo! Thanks for your support!

November 18
William Claxton publishes the first dated book printed in England. It is a translation from the French of The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosopers by Earl Rivers.
St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome is officially dedicated.
The first provisional meeting of the Confederate Congress is held in Richmond, Virginia.
Mark Twain's first story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is published in the New York Saturday Press.
The second Hay-Pauncefote Treaty is signed. The United States is given extensive rights by Britain for building and operating a canal through Central America.
The Norwegian Parliament elects Prince Charles of Denmark to be the next King of Norway. Prince Charles takes the name Haakon VII.
Anarchists bomb St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Cholera breaks out in Constantinople, in the Ottoman Empire.
New York City considers varying work hours to avoid long traffic jams.
Mickey mouse makes his film debut in Steamboat Willie, the first animated talking picture.
The main span of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is joined.
The Irish Republican Army explodes three bombs in Piccadilly Circus.
RAF bombs Berlin, using 440 aircraft and losing nine of those and 53 air crew members; damage to the German capital is light, with 131 dead.
The U.S. Air Force grounds B-29s after two crashes and 23 deaths in three days.
The Bureau of Mines discloses its first production of oil from coal in practical amounts.
Soviets recover the Zond 6 spacecraft after a flight around the moon.
Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones leads his followers to a mass murder-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, hours after cult member killed Congressman Leo J. Ryan of California.
Argentina announces its ability to produce enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.
The Soviet Union helps deliver American wheat during the Ethiopian famine.
The Croatian city of Vukovar surrenders to Yugoslav People's Army and allied Serb paramilitary forces after an 87-day siege.
Twenty-one political parties approve a new constitution for South Africa that expands voter rights and ends the rule of the country's white minority.
UN weapons inspectors under Hans Blix arrive in Iraq.
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court rules the state's ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional; the legislature fails to act within the mandated 180 days, and on May 17, 2004, Massachusetts becomes the first US state to legalize same-sex marriage.

Louis Jacques Daguerre, French painter, physicist and photography pioneer.
Asa Gray, botanist (Gray's Manual).
William S. Gilbert, English playwright and humorist, one half of Gilbert & Sullivan.
Dorthea Dix, pseudonym for Elizabeth Gilman, who wrote syndicated advice.
Clarence Day, American writer (Life with Father).
Eugene Ormandy, orchestra conductor.
Dr. Howard Thurman, theologian and first African American to hold a full-time position at Boston University.
George Horatio Gallup, American journalist and statistician.
Johnny Mercer, songwriter.
Alan Shepard, first American astronaut in space.
Margaret Atwood, Canadian writer (The Edible Woman, The Handmaid's Tale).

This week we'll look at five terms that have roots in flowers.





noun: A person who indulges in idle daydreaming or leads a life of luxurious ease, instead of dealing with practical matters.


From the lotus-eaters, people in Homer's Odyssey, who ate the lotus fruit that supposedly induced a dreamy forgetfulness. Earliest documented use: 1832.


"James Hewitt finds himself in Devon with mum, sleeping in the spare bedroom ... Life as a lotus-eater in sunny climes appears to be well and truly over."
Anna Pukas; The Major Moves Back With His Mum; Daily Express (London, UK); Nov 9, 2013.

Little girls are cute and small only to adults. To one another they are not cute. They are life-sized. -Margaret Atwood, novelist and poet (b. 1939)

Today’s Recipe

Holiday Cooking

My sister used to make cranberry relish when I was young. She would get out the food grinder and crank away. I think she put more in it than this recipe calls for but it is similar. This looks just as delicious as her relish always was.


  • One 12-ounce package fresh cranberries
  • 2 oranges, peeled
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup pecans, finely chopped


Using a food processor, pulse the cranberries and oranges. Transfer the chopped fruit to a 1-quart bowl and add 1/2 cup of the sugar, stirring to mix. Add more sugar to taste, as the sweetness of the oranges will vary. Add the chopped pecans and serve.


Cook's Note: This relish will keep for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


Now You Know!

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