
Friday, November 8, 2013

Courthouse Research: On Location

Announcement – The Library will be closed for Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.
Computer Classes every Sat. mornings 10-12. "Open House" Whatever you need.
"Geek the Library" November 23rd, at the Library - Bring us all your tech "?'s"!



Genealogy tip for today: Courthouse Research: On Location


Well, I see that I’m getting old and repeating myself. The end of July and the first of August I had a series of 10 tips on researching courthouse that I got from another website. The current ones have been newly composed and original posts. So, maybe there will be some slightly different information here than before. You suppose I should start making a list of what I talk about?


While You Are There:

-Copy everything you can.

-If you can’t photo copy than transcribe or write an abstract including misspellings the information.

-Check the indexes of books you look at and copy them for evaluation later.

-Wait till later to analyze your findings.

-Cite your sources formally or otherwise – but get the information down.

-Concentrate on the unique collections that are not available somewhere else on microfilm – photo collection, private family collection, books not yet filmed, and the like.


Points of Courtesy

-Don’t walk in just before closing and ask for a ton of books.

-Don’t regale the staff with boring-to-them stories of your ancestors.

-Don’t pester staff with unnecessary questions. Try finding other researchers and see if they can answer your questions, but don’t bug them to death, either.

-Do as much research ahead of time – days, hours of operation for example.

-Always be respectful and courteous.

-Don’t forget the chocolate. J


Be well prepared, have a good trip and come back loaded with new information!


Happy Hunting!





If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is helpful in anyway.


Theodosius of Rome


Theodosius of Rome passes legislation prohibiting all pagan worship in the empire.
Louis IX succeeds Louis VIII as king of France.
The 17 provinces of the Netherlands form a federation to maintain peace.
The King of Bohemia is defeated at the Battle of Prague.
Fredrick William of Brandenburg issues the Edict of Potsdam, offering Huguenots refuge.
The Louvre opens in Paris. But wasn't it already a Palace and it merely opens to the people?
Charles Wilkes seizes Confederate commissioners John Slidell and James M. Mason from the British ship Trent.
President Abraham Lincoln is re-elected in the first wartime election in the United States.
Doc Holliday, who fought on the side of the Earp brothers during the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral 6 years earlier, dies of tuberculosis in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Montana becomes the 41st state of the Union.
Theodore Dresier's first novel Sister Carrie is published by Doubleday, but is recalled from stores shortly due to public sentiment.
President Theodore Roosevelt is elected president of the United States. He had been vice president until the shooting death of President William McKinley.
The Democrats prevail in congressional elections for the first time since 1894.
Adolf Hitler attempts a coup in Munich, the "Beer Hall Putsch," and proclaims himself chancellor and Ludendorff dictator. .
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected 32nd president of the United States.
Crystla Bird Fauset of Pennsylvania, becomes the first African-American woman to be elected to a state legislature.
The United States and Great Britain invade Axis-occupied North Africa.
John F. Kennedy is elected 35th president, defeating Republican candidate Richard Nixon in the closest election, by popular vote, since 1880.
Vietnam War, Operation Hump: US 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team ambushed by over 1,200 Viet Cong in Bien Hoa Province. Nearby, in the Gang Toi Hills, a company of the Royal Australian Regiment also engaged Viet Cong forces.
Republican Edward Brooke of Massachusetts becomes the first African American elected to the Senate in 85 years.
Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos discovers what is believed to be the tomb of Philip II of Macedon at Vergina in northern Greece.
Wilson B. Goode is elected as the first black mayor of the city of Philadelphia.
A dozen people are killed and over 60 wounded when the IRA detonates a bomb during a Remembrance Day ceremony in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, honoring those who had died in wars involving British forces.
Dispute begins over US presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore; Supreme Court ruling on Dec. 12 results in a 271-266 electoral victory for Bush.
More than 10,000 US troops and a few Iraqi army units besiege an insurgent stronghold at Fallujah.

Edmond Halley

Birthdays today     

Edmond Halley, mathematician and astronomer who predicted the return of the comet that bears his name.
Bram Stoker, author (Dracula).
Marshall Walter Taylor, "Major Taylor," the world's fastest bicycle racer for a 12-year period.
Leon Trosky, Russian Communist leader.
Hermann Rorshach, Swiss psychiatrist, inventor of the inkblot test.
Albert Friedrich Frey-Wyssling, Swiss botanist and molecular biology pioneer.
Margaret Mitchell, American writer who found success in her first and only novel, Gone With the Wind.
Katherine Hepburn, American actress who won four Oscars. Her movies included Bringing Up Baby, The Philadelphia Story and The African Queen.
Peter Ulrich Weiss, German novelist and dramatist (Marat/Sade, The Investigation).
Christiaan Barnard, South African surgeon, performed the first human heart transplant operation.
Patti Page, singer ("Tennessee Waltz," "How Much is That Doggie in the Window?").
Bobby Bowden, US college football coach; holds NCAA record for most career wins and bowl wins by any Division I FBS coach.
Morley Safer, journalist; 60 Minutes correspondent (1970– ).
Ben Bova, noted author of works of science fact and fiction, a six-time winner of the Hugo Award for science fiction and fantasy writing.
Bonnie Raitt, blues singer, songwriter, musician. Rolling Stone magazine included her on its lists of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time and 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.
Mary Hart, actress, journalist; hosted Entertainment Tonight TV program 1982–2011.
Rickie Lee Jones, singer, songwriter, musician; listed on VH1 list of greatest women of rock music.
Tom Anderson, entrepreneur; co-founder of Myspace website.
Lady Louise Windsor, daughter of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and Sophie, Countess of Wessex.



dreck or drek





noun: Rubbish; trash.



From Yiddish drek (filth, dirt, dung). Ultimately from the Indo-European root sker- (excrement) that is also the source of scoria and scatology. Earliest documented use: 1922.



"Using boot-sale dreck and found rubbish, Michael Landy has created kinetic, three-dimensional versions of saints portrayed in the National Gallery's collection."
Adrian Searle; The Best Art Exhibitions; The Guardian (London, UK); Mar 31, 2013.

Explore "dreck" in the Visual Thesaurus.


Until you've lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was or what freedom really is. -Margaret Mitchell, novelist (1900-1949)



Today’s Recipe

Holiday Cooking





3 pounds Yukon Gold Potatoes
4 tablespoons Butter
3 wedges The Laughing Cow Light Garlic & Herb
¼ cups Half-and-half


Bring one quart of water to a boil.

Add Yukon Gold Potatoes. When they are fork tender, drain and put back in pot.

Add 4 tablespoons butter, 3 wedges of The Laughing Cow Light Garlic & Herb Cheese, and enough half and half for your desired thickness.

Mash together and enjoy!!




Now You Know!




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