
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Linking Generations

ANNOUNCEMENT! Posts for the next two weeks will be brief with genealogy tips only. When the blogger returns we will go back to our standard format. As they say: “Don’t go away. We’ll be right back!”

British sample showing relationships.
US Censuses did the same on some of them.



Genealogy tip for today: Linking Generations


We often can find a lot of documents that Aunt Jonie lived here, maybe a tax record or a city directory. Or we may find her name on a church membership roll. Or maybe even her birth certificate. We could even find her name in the Social Security Death index. And these have their place.


However if you are wanting to link generations then you have to go about it a little bit differently. You’ve got to find records and documents that have a parent and child in the same item.


What are some of those records? Here is a partial list, you may think of others:

          A will

          An obituary

          A Wedding announcement

          A birth certificate from the State

          A death certificate

          Sometimes deeds, when it has been passed down to the children.

          Insurance beneficiaries – ah, bet you never thought of checking those.

          School Records

          Bible Records

          Significant Birthday/Anniversary Parties, reported in the newspapers


These are the kinds of things you will want to look for when you need to prove how generations were linked, not just that the person existed.


Can you think of others?


Happy Hunting.


Who ever thought that the Ozarks would become such a diverse community? We have many folks from around the world who have moved to Northwest Arkansas.  Consequently we have added a new language program to our website:   Manga: Online language learning system.

You can learn Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian and more. Go to our website: and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will see an icon that says Mango! Click on it and it will take you to the sign in/sign up page.

It is easy to sign up; no cost i.e. it is FREE! Just need your library card number, email address and a password.

Then pick out what languages you want to get started on and go for it!

This program has many, many languages; even has Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew and also – Pirate! So next time Pirate Day comes around you can be ready to talk like a pirate. Argh!

Mango makes learning fun!


If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is helpful in anyway.







Now You Know!

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