
Friday, October 11, 2013

Cite Your Sources!!


Genealogy tip for today: Cite Your Sources!


We all have legends and stories in our families. Grampa was a cousin to Daniel Boone. Great-Granny said she was a descendant of Gen. Joe Blow, or maybe – President Abraham Lincoln,  or Thomas Jefferson, maybe explorer Meriwether Lewis, or even actor Charlie Chan – or other!

But are these true stories?? How can you tell? These may be stories passed down through the generations. OR, you may found it on the Internet where someone else has attached the story to your ancestor. Maybe you’ve gotten on and typed in your ancestor’s name and found the story. How can you tell if it is right, if its true?

As I once heard at a conference: “citation, citation, citation.” It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to cite the source of your information. If that story you found has a citation, you should be able to find that source for yourself and see just exactly what it says.

It is also important to do this right from the start. You may know Mom’s birthday is April 29, 1935. But you need to ask her if she has a copy of her birth certificate. Then you make a photo copy of it and give her back the original. (Aside: If and when you send off for these vital records, make copies for your research and put the originals away in a safe place like a fire box, or a bank box. You don’t want to risk losing them! Over time, you will have invested a lot of money into your hobby.)

There are two books that I would recommend you look into purchasing. They will guide you in how to do those citations, and let people know where you got your information. It will also tell you what is truly a source and what is not. “Evidence” is probably the most promoted, but both of these books are good resources:

             “Cite Your Sources: a manual for documenting family histories and genealogical records.” By Richard Lackey; Amazon says this about his book: A how-to guidebook for those wishing to document their genealogical research in academically acceptable form. Uncomplicated directions and clear examples from Bibles, wills, letters, interviews, public records, etc.

        “Evidence: citation and analysis for the family historian,” by Elizabeth Shown Mills. [a well known professional genealogist, I might add]. Amazon has this to say about her book: Every devoted genealogist is concerned with citations in their analysis for their genealogy. Accurate citations are necessary so that the evidence can be judged and if necessary allows for the research to be repeated. The author makes it easy to help genealogists (particularly the non-expert) to make sense out of citations and to improve their genealogy search.

I would encourage you to get one or both of these books. If you are familiar with a particular ‘manual style’ (college-speak for various ways to write citations), then you already know its importance, and how to find it and how to write it down. Then maybe you can save your pennies for something else. But the only way you will have validity regarding what you write is to prove where you found the information and that your facts are true. Then future generations will know when they hear those stories that they actually have some truth and not just rumor.


Happy Hunting!



If any of these posts are helpful drop us a line in the comments section below. We just want to know if the information we provide to you is helpful in anyway.






Our Library's Foundation board sponsors every year a Conversation With event, bringing in a well known author. This year's author is Debbie Macomber. It will be held at the Roger's Little Theater on Friday, October 11th. You can go online to or contact the library for your $39 tickets.

Tickets include meeting the author, 1 signed copy of Starry Night (not yet released), appetizers and drinks. Come join us, meet the author and help support our library as well.  

Mango: Online Language Learning System.


Interested in learning a foreign language? Go to our website: and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will see an icon that says Mango! Click on it and it will take you to the sign in/sign up page.

It is easy to sign up; no cost – i.e. it is FREE! You just need your library card number, email address and a password. You don't have a RPL card? You don't live in Rogers? Not a problem. You can still get a card with RPL no matter where you live. Many people outside of the county even the state have an RPL card to access our ebooks. You can do the same to access our databases including Mango.

You can learn Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian and more. This program has many, many languages; even has Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew and also – Pirate! So next time Pirate Day comes around you can be ready to talk like a pirate. Argh!

Pick out what language you want to get started on and go for it!

Mango makes learning fun!


The Catholics defeat the Protestants at Kappel during Switzerland's second civil war.
Charles V of Milan puts his son Philip in control.
George II of England crowned.
In graditude for putting down a rebellion in the streets of Paris, France's National Convention appoints Napoleon Bonaparte second in command of the Army of the Interior.
The Confederate Congress in Richmond passes a draft law allowing anyone owning 20 or more slaves to be exempt from military service. This law confirms many southerners opinion that they are in a 'rich man's war and a poor man's fight.'
Outlaw Wild Bill Longley, who killed at least a dozen men, is hanged, but it took two tries; on the first try, the rope slipped and his knees drug the ground.
South African Boers, settler from the Netherlands, declare war on Great Britain.
San Francisco school board orders the segregation of Oriental schoolchildren, inciting Japanese outrage.
Despite international protests, Edith Cavell, an English nurse in Belgium, is executed by Germans for aiding the escape of Allied prisoners.
In the Battle of Cape Esperance, near the Solomon Islands, U.S. cruisers and destroyers decisively defeat a Japanese task force in a night surface encounter.
Negotiations between Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and Communist leader Mao Tse-tung break down. Nationalist and Communist troops are soon engaged in a civil war.
The Federal Communications Commission authorizes the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) to begin commercial color TV broadcasts.
Pope John XXIII opens the 21st Ecumenical Council (Vatican II) with a call for Christian unity. This is the largest gathering of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in history; among delegate-observers are representatives of major Protestant denominations, in itself a sign of sweeping change.
Apollo 7, with three men aboard, is successfully launched from Cape Kennedy.
A French mission in Vietnam is destroyed by a U.S. bombing raid.
Race riot breaks out aboard carrier USS Kitty Hawk off Vietnam during Operation Linebacker.
Saturday Night Live comedy-variety show premiers on NBC, with guest host comedian George Carlin and special guests Janis Ian, Andy Kaufman and Billy Preston; at this writing (2013) the show is still running.
The so-called "Gang of Four," Chairman Mao Tse-tung's widow and three associates, are arrested in Peking, setting in motion an extended period of turmoil in the Chinese Communist Party.
Astronaut Kathryn D. Sullivan, part of the crew of Space Shuttle Challenger, becomes the first American woman to walk in space.
Operation Pawan by Indian Peace Keeping Force begins in Sri Lanka; thousands of Tamil citizens, along with hundreds of Tamil Tigers militants and Indian Army soldiers will die in the operation.
Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas begin.
NASA launches its 100th Space Shuttle mission.
The Polaroid Corporation, which had provided shutterbugs with photo prints in minutes with its "instant cameras" since 1947, files for bankruptcy.



Sir George Williams, founder of the YMCA.
Henry Heinz, manufacturer, founder of H.J. Heinz Co.
Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin Roosevelt.
Francois Mauriac, Nobel Prize-winning novelist.
Willie Hoppe, billiards champion.
Joseph Alsop, American journalist.
Jerome Robbins, choreographer, won Oscar for West Side Story.
Elmore Leonard, author, screenwriter (Get Shorty, Mr. Majestyk).
Roscoe Robinson Jr., first African American to attain 4-star general status in the US Army.
Dottie West, influential female country singer, songwriter; won Grammy for "Here Comes My Baby Back Again" (1965).
James M. McPherson, historian specializing in the American Civil War; won Pulitzer Prize for Battle Cry of Freedom (1989).
Daryl Hall, singer, songwriter, musician, producer; lead vocalist of Hall & Oates ("Rich Girl," "Maneater").
Paul Sereno, paleontologist; discovered several new dinosaur species (including Sarcosuchus imperator, "SuperCroc") on various continents.





noun: A fat and slovenly person.

From Middle English fusty (smelly, moldy) + lug (to carry something heavy). Earliest documented use: 1607.

"'Come on, you old fustilugs,' he called, for she wheezed and blew and mounted with difficulty."
Julian Rathbone; Joseph; Little Brown; 2001


Humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the disinterested development of an enterprise is so captivating that it becomes impossible for them to devote their care to their own material profit. Without doubt, these dreamers do not deserve wealth, because they do not desire it. Even so, a well-organized society should assure to such workers the efficient means of accomplishing their task, in a life freed from material care and freely consecrated to research. -Marie Curie, scientist, Nobel laureate (1867-1934)



Today’s Recipe

Treats, No Tricks!



cornmeal, for dusting
3 (1 lb.) loaves frozen bread dough, thawed
2 green, pimento-stuffed olives
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 (12 oz.) jars roasted red and yellow peppers, in oil
3 large celery ribs, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced crosswise
2 cups pitted black and green olives, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup capers, coarsely chopped
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
3 ounces arugula
1 pound thinly sliced prosciutto
3 pounds fresh mozzarella, sliced
1/4 large red pepper, for tongue
Click to sePreparation

 Cover a large (12-by-18-by-2-inch) baking pan with parchment; dust lightly with cornmeal. On a floured surface, combine dough and form a long, curvy snake shape; place on pan. Push two olives into head for eyes. Cut V-shaped scales down back. Brush dough with oil. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350°F. Bake until crust is golden, 30 to 40 minutes. Cool in pan on rack.

Remove roasted peppers from jars and set aside. Add olive oil to oil from peppers to make 1 cup. Combine oil, celery, olives, capers and red pepper flakes in a small bowl.

 Slice loaf horizontally. Place bottom half on tray; arrange arugula leaves on it. Layer on prosciutto and mozzarella, top with roasted red peppers. Spoon on olive relish and replace top.

 Cut a forked tongue shape from red pepper and place at head.




Now You Know!




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