
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Genealogy Blogs 101

Genealogy tip for today: Highlighting today’s genealogy blog


Genealogy Blogs 101
Genealogy Tip for today: We have looked over several blogs on genealogy the last few weeks. We only looked at a few as there are over 3,000 genealogy blogs. It would take us literally years to highlight them all. But we picked out ones that showed up most often on lists, and blogs that have a variety of emphasizes. Some are personal, some are commercial, some are a combination. Some have a specialty, like cemeteries or photographs; others are general, or a mixture. 

All in all we tried to highlight the ones that seem to rise to the top and are helpful to the general population, but also some that specialize in topics that are important to genealogy research. 

Genealogy Blogs 101 is a good website on that tells about Genealogy blogs – why they are important, how to subscribe to them, as well as other articles you can go to, and read. They say this about genealogy blogging: Stay current with the world of online genealogy with these fun and interesting genealogy blogs. Also known as Web logs, these genealogy blogs provide frequently updated content including articles, tips, links to interesting genealogy news items and information on new online databases and resources. As well as products, I might add.

We hope you have enjoyed this look at blogs in the genealogy world and that this has given you some guidance, or brought your attention to blogs that are available.  

Next we will be look at resources, or tools that are not intended outright for genealogy use.  This will include some of the more well known types and some you never thought of using.

Blogs Reviewed:

The Genealogy blog                


Today in History

John the Fearless
1419 John the Fearless is murdered at Montereau, France, by supporters of the dauphine.

1547 The Duke of Somerset leads the English to a resounding victory over the Scots at Pinkie Cleugh.

1588 Thomas Cavendish returns to England, becoming the third man to circumnavigate the globe.

1623 Lumber and furs are the first cargo to leave New Plymouth in North America for England.

1813 The nine-ship American flotilla under Oliver Hazard Perry wrests naval supremacy from the British on Lake Erie by capturing or destroying a force of six English vessels.

1846 Elias Howe patents the first practical sewing machine in the United States.

1855 Sevastopol, under siege for nearly a year, capitulates to the Allies during the Crimean War.

1861 Confederates at Carnifex Ferry, Virginia, fall back after being attacked by Union troops. The action is instrumental in helping preserve western Virginia for the Union.

1912 J. Vedrines becomes the first pilot to break the 100 m.p.h. barrier.

1914 The six-day Battle of the Marne ends, halting the German advance into France.

1923 In response to a dispute with Yugoslavia, Mussolini mobilizes Italian troops on Serb front.

1961 Jomo Kenyatta returns to Kenya from exile, during which he had been elected president of the Kenya National African Union.

1963 President John F. Kennedy federalizes Alabama's National Guard to prevent Governor George C. Wallace from using guardsmen to stop public-school desegregation.

1967 Gibraltar votes to remain a British dependency instead of becoming part of Spain.

1974 Guinea-Bissau (Portuguese Guinea) gains independence from Portugal.

1981 Pablo Picasso's painting Guernica is returned to Spain and installed in Madrid's Prado Museum. Picasso stated in his will that the painting was not to return to Spain until the Fascists lost power and democracy was restored.

2001 Contestant Charles Ingram cheats on the British version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, wins 1 million pounds.

2003 Sweden's foreign minister, Anna Lindh, is stabbed while shopping and dies the next day.

2007 Nawaz Sharif, former prime minister of Pakistan, returns after 7 years in exile, following a military coup in October 1999.

2008 The Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator—described as the biggest scientific experiment in history—is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland.


Birthdays today:

1487 Julius III, Italian poet who promoted the Jesuits.
Julius III

1754 William Bligh, British naval officer who was the victim of two mutinies, the most famous on the HMS Bounty which was taken over by Fletcher Christian.

1847 John Roy Lynch, first African American to deliver the keynote address at a Republican National Convention.

1885 Carl Van Doren, historian and critic who won a Pulitzer Prize for his biography on Benjamin Franklin.

1892 Arthur Compton, physicist.

1929 Arnold Palmer, golfer who won four Masters, two British Opens and one U.S. Open.

Charles Kuralt
1934 Charles Kuralt, journalist, known for his popular "On the Road" television program.

1935 Mary Oliver, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet.

1941 Stephen Jay Gould, paleontologist, biologist and writer of popular books about science such as Time's Cycle and The Panda's Thumb.

1941 Gunpei Yokoi, inventor of Game Boy.

1945 Jose Feliciano, guitarist, singer, songwriter.

1948 Margaret Trudeau, actress (Kings and Desperate Men), author, photographer.

Colin Firth
1949 Bill O'Reilly, TV host (The O'Reilly Factor), author.

1950 Rosie Flores, singer, musician.

1960 Colin Firth, Oscar and Golden Globe-winning actor (The King's Speech).




Word for the day:  



(in-tuhr-LOK-yuh-tuhr, -yoo-)


noun: One who takes part in a conversation or dialogue, especially as a representative of an organization.


From Latin inter- (between) + loqui (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1518.


"During the meeting, the two interlocutors spoke about the existing relations between the two countries."
Ambassador Meets With Chief Executive of Macau; Angola Press Agency (Luanda); Oct 30, 2007.



Quote for the day:

Who has not for the sake of his reputation sacrificed himself? -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)


Today’s Recipe

Home Cooking


Who says that Turkey and Dressing can only be eaten at Thanksgiving and Christmas? This is good anytime of the year. Here is a recipe for the Dressing/Stuffing that uses three kinds of bread it its recipe. Give it a try and see what you think. Bon Appetite!



1/2 loaf sourdough bread
1/2 loaf rye bread
4 tablespoons unsalted butter plus more for greasing
1 cup frozen chopped onions
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 medium carrots, chopped
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 (14-ounce) bag cornbread stuffing
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup turkey gravy
2 large eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
1/2 cup grated Parmesan


Cut the breads into 1-inch cubes and spread them out onto baking sheets. Leave out overnight to get stale. (Alternately, bake them in a 300 degree F oven for 30 minutes to dry them out).

In a large skillet over medium heat, add the butter. When it is melted add the onions, celery, and carrots and season with salt and pepper. Cook until the vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let cool a bit.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9 by 13-inch baking dish.

Put the bread cubes into a large bowl with the cornbread stuffing and add the cooled vegetables. In a medium bowl, whisk together the broth, gravy, eggs, and poultry seasoning. Pour over the bread and mix; the mixture should be fairly moist but not wet. If it seems to dry, add some more broth. Fill the baking dish with the stuffing and top with the Parmesan. Bake until the top is browned and the stuffing is cooked through, 35 to 40 minutes.



 Now You Know!

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