
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Billion Graves

Genealogy tip for today: Highlighting today’s genealogy blog




Genealogy Tip for today: This is quite an interesting blog. If you are like me, cemeteries fascinate you; not because I’m a werewolf, but because I’m a genealogist.

It takes a few years to really appreciate a cemetery, I think. After you have lost a few loved ones you realize that what you put in a cemetery at a loved one’s grave is a statement and memorial to that person’s life. It says something about who he/she was.

This blog is informative (with announcements), and educational. Currently it has a post teaching you the meanings of symbols on monuments. For example, a lamb often represents a child, as is the case for my brother who died 5 days before he turned three.

It is associated with the website of the same name. Consequently it also gives announcements about their website, even contests they have for contributors – inviting everyone to become one.

It gives lessons on how to edit the information on their website, and/or the information that you may be putting into their website.
Overall, if you have started researching cemeteries or have anything to do with tombstones, this blog is for you.


Blogs Reviewed:

The Genealogy blog                

 New Books
Did you know we have a section set aside just for new books? They are on the right, first row you come to, as you head to the adult collection. You'll find fiction first, with it divided out between the ever popular suspense and 'everything else.' Nonfiction follows next and of course is in numerical order. Please note, however that not every new book is put in the new book section. Some are put directly in the stacks, so if we didn't have something last time you were here, check again in the regular shelves.
Which brings up a point - if there is something we don't have that you would like to see us add to the collection, stop by the information desk and tell us you want to make a request or suggestion for purchase.

Today in History

Richard, Lionheart
1189 After the death of Henry II, Richard Lionheart is crowned king of England.

1260 Mamelukes under Sultan Qutuz defeat Mongols and Crusaders at Ain Jalut.

1346 Edward III of England begins the siege of Calais, along the coast of France.

1650 The English under Cromwell defeat a superior Scottish army under David Leslie at the Battle
Battle of Dunbar
of Dunbar.

1777 The American flag (stars & stripes), approved by Congress on June 14th, is carried into battle for the first time by a force under General William Maxwell.

1783 The Treaty of Paris is signed by Great Britain and the new United States, formally bringing the American Revolution to an end.

1838 Frederick Douglass escapes slavery disguised as a sailor. He would later write The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, his memoirs about slave life.

1855 General William Harney defeats Little Thunder's Brule Sioux at the Battle of Blue Water in Nebraska.

1895 The first professional American football game is played in Latrobe, Pennsylvania between the Latrobe Young Men's Christian Association and the Jeannette Athletic Club. Latrobe wins 12-0.

1914 The French capital is moved from Paris to Bordeaux as the Battle of the Marne begins.

1916 The German Somme front is broken by an Allied offensive.

1918 The United States recognizes the nation of Czechoslovakia.

1939 After Germany ignores Great Britain's ultimatum to stop the invasion of Poland, Great Britain declares war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II in Europe.
1939 The British passenger ship Athenia is sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic, with 30 Americans among those killed. American Secretary of State Cordell Hull warns Americans to avoid travel to Europe unless absolutely necessary.

1943 British troops invade Italy, landing at Calabria.

1944 The U.S. Seventh Army captures Lyons, France.

1945 General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the Japanese commander of the Philippines, surrenders to Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainwright at Baguio.

1967 Lieutenant General Ngyuen Van Thieu is elected president of South Vietnam.

1969 Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam, dies.

1976 The unmanned US spacecraft Viking 2 lands on Mars, takes first close-up, color photos of the planet's surface.

1981 Egypt arrests some 1,500 opponents of the government.

1989 US begins shipping military aircraft and weapons to Columbia for use against that country's drug lords.

1994 Russia and China sign a demarcation agreement to end dispute over a stretch of their border and agree they will no longer target each other with nuclear weapons.

2001 Protestant loyalists in Belfast, Ireland, begin an 11-week picket of the Holy Cross Catholic school for girls, sparking rioting


Birthdays today:

1849 Sarah Orne Jewett, author (Tales of New England, The Country of the Pointed Firs).

1856 Louis H. Sullivan, architect who gained fame for his design of the Chicago Auditorium Theater.

1875 Ferdinand Porsche, automotive engineer, designer of the Volkswagen in 1934 and the Porsche
sports car in 1950.

1894 Richard Niebuhr, theologian.

1907 Carl Anderson, physicist and 1936 Nobel prize winner for his discovery of the positron.

1914 Dixie Lee Ray, Chair of the Atomic Energy Commission who received the U.N. Peace Prize in 1977.

1927 Hugh Sidey, news correspondent and author of John F. Kennedy, President.

1931 Albert Henry DeSalvo, a serial killer and rapist known as the "Boston Strangler"; though he confessed to 13 murders, debate continues over which crimes he actually committed.

Eileen Brennan
1932 Eileen Brennan, actress; won Golden Globe and Emmy for her role in the TV adaptation of Private Benjamin.

1942 Alan Charles "Al" Jardine, musician, composer, vocalist, member of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; founding member of the band The Beach Boys.

1949 Petros VII (Petros Papapetrou), Greek Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa (1997–2004).

Charlie Sheen
1964 Adam Curry, co-founder of Mevio, Inc., Internet entertainment company.

1965 Charlie Sheen (Carlos Irwin Estevez), actor (Platoon, Two and a Half Men TV series).

1976 Ashley Jones, actress (True Blood and The Young and the Restless TV series).




Word for the day:  






noun: One who is in charge of a situation; leader; boss.
verb tr.: To organize, manage, or lead a project, event, etc.



From Japanese hancho, from han (squad) + cho (chief). Earliest documented use: 1947.



“The three head honchos are the recipients of the Best CEO Award.”
Cool Heads and Calm Nerves at the Helm; The Business Times (Singapore); Aug 12, 2013.



Quote for the day:

You can out-distance that which is running after you, but not what is running inside you. -Rwandan proverb


Today’s Recipe

Down Home Country Cooking

September hints at the coming fall, brings the return of school, football and family holidays – all things “family”. So this month we are going to feature “down home cooking”. If you have a recipe you want to share, please leave it in the comment box.
Our first recipe is Sweet Potato Pie. I just love the *new* sweet potato fries and tots! They are delicious!  So this caught my eye. I hope you like it.


1 nine inch pie shell
2 cups mashed cooked sweet potatoes
2 eggs, well beaten
1 1/4 cups milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons rum flavoring
4 tablespoons butter, melted

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Combine the ingredients in a large bowl and beat until smooth and well blended. Pour into pie shell. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to 300 degrees F. and bake for about 50 minutes more or until the filling is firm.

Hint: If you want your crust to turn out flaky and crisp, not soggy, lightly brush egg whites onto the pie crust with NO YELLOW and bake for 3 to 5 minutes at 350 degrees, remove from the oven and let cool to room temp. and then add the filling and follow the baking instructions above. 


Now You Know!


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