
Genealogy Tips, 2013

Index with dates
9-11 memorial 11-Sep
Abbreviating Months of the year 16-Dec
Address changes 10-Jul
Age at Marriage 25-May
Ages (Figuring age) 29-May
Ancestry Insider 19-Aug
Ancestry's Blog 6-Aug
Anomalies 9-Dec
Archives 15-Jul
Billion Graves 3-Sep
Boundaries changes 21-May
Calendar changes 13-Nov
Cemetery Cleaning the stornes 23-Oct
Cemetery Kit 24-Oct
Census Records 17-Sep
Cite Your Sources 11-Oct
Climbing the Family Tree 26-Aug
Courthouse#1 Scout Location 23-May
Courthouse#10Concentrate/unique 5-Aug
Courthouse#2 Records available 25-May
Courthouse#2 Who has What 24-May
Courthouse#4Create Research plan 26-May
Courthouse#5Time Your Trip 29-May
Courthouse#6Learn Lay of Land 30-May
Courthouse#7Learn lay of land 31-May
Courthouse#8 Be Courteous 1-Aug
Courthouse#9 Take Good Notes 2-Aug
Courthouse-on location 8-Nov
Courthouse-Planning Trip 7-Nov
Courthouse-prelim preperation 5-Nov
Courthouse-Prepary your records 6-Nov
Dates vs Calendars 14-Dec
Dates, when right is wrong  12-Dec
Dave Obee's tips on Brickwalls 19-Jun
Dead Man Talking#1-websites 22-Oct
Dead Man Talking#2-Tombstone Rubbings 28-Oct
Dead Man Talking, literally 4-Nov
Dear Myrtle 13-Aug
Disappearing Relatives 16-Jul
DNA  26-Jun
DNA #1 15-May
DNA#2 18-May
Documentation 22-May
Facebook pg, Gen tips 13-Jun
Figuring out Kinship (chart) 3-Nov
Find My Past 20-Aug
FInding Rare or Old Books 7-Oct
Funeral Cards 10-Dec
Gen Bumper Stickers 29-Jun
Gen Magazine and News 17-Jul
Genea Musings 7-Aug
GeneaBlogger 29-Aug
Genealogue 8-Aug
Genealogy Bank 24-Aug
Genealogy Blog  15-Aug
Genealogy Blogs 12-Aug
Genealogy Blogs 101 10-Sep
Genealogy Insider 28-Aug
Genealogy Newsletters 18-Jun
Genealogy vs Family History 10-Oct
Genealogy's Star 21-Aug
Genetic Genealogy 9-Sep
Gen'y from Quilts 21-Sep
Getting Started - Brickwalls 27-Jun
Goals 11-Jul
Google Books 25-Jun
Google Images 1-Jul
Granite in my Blood 16-Aug
Gravestone symbols 1-Oct
Gregorian Calendar 16-Nov
Handwriting#1 29-Aug
Handwriting#2 History 30-Aug
Handwriting#3 Helps 31-Aug
Historical societies 4-Oct
Honoring Our Veterans 12-Nov
How to Publish 14-Jun
How to write dates 11-Dec
ILL 24-Jun
Insurance Policies 30-Sep
Jayne Shrimpton's Blog 22-Aug
Julian Calendar 14-Nov
Julies Gen'y & History Hub 7-Sep
Just What IS Gen? - Background Knowledge 9-Oct
Just what IS Genealogy-a leg up 25-Oct
Land Records 12-Jun
Learning Styles 14-Oct
Legacy Family Tree News 27-Aug
Linking Generations 15-Oct
Medical Records 26-Sep
Medical Terminology 2-Oct
Military Records 7-Jun
Missing Persons 25-Sep
My Crayon Box 4-Jul
Neighbors 9-Jul
New Location (website) 14-Aug
New Website - Treasure Maps 19-Jul
Newspapers 21-Jun
Newspapers 17-Oct
Non-Genealogy records - Common Sources 16-Sep
Non-Genealogy records - Plat Maps 13-Sep
Non-Genealogy records - Sanborn Maps 12-Sep
Non-Trad'l Sources 23-Sep
Odd & Unexpected Places for info 10-Jun
On the edge-info in margins 18-May
Organizing 20-Jun
Photo Detective 9-Aug
Pinterest 22-Jul
Proponderance of Evidence 21-Oct
Proving Oral History-Jny Appleseed 16-Oct
Public Libraries 8-Oct
Railroad Records 3-Oct
Recheck those websites 2-Jul
Scrapbooks and ephemera 27-Sep
Social Media 15-Jun
Social Media: Facebook 17-Jun
Spellings 20-May
Teach Yourself Family History 30-Aug
Technology 5-Jul
The Olive Tree 5-Sep
Tourism Websites 24-Sep
Translate 12-Jul
Transposing Tips 6-Jun
Vet's Post-1900's records 28-May
We Tree Blog 4-Sep
Where Did They Go: Migration Trails 18-Oct
Which Way Did He Go, George (5 days) 18-Nov
Who Do You Think You Are 8-Jul
Why? (8 days) 26-Nov
World Almanac 18-Sep
World Cat 19-Sep
Writing Memoir Tip 11-Jun
Writing Your Family History 30-May

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