
Monday, March 31, 2014

Pinterest and Vital Records

"Pin" from Pinterest: Vital Records

Genealogy tip for the day: Social Media – Pinterest – Vital Records
The more doors you have to a building, the more access you have to the rooms inside. The same thing is true regarding information. The more ways to access knowledge, the easier it is to get to it and vice-versa.

When having difficulty, sometimes searching for knowledge is kind of like approaching a building, and seeing a door frame on the building wall. You hack your way through the brush, the undergrowth and maybe the overgrowth, only to get to that doorway and find it’s all bricked in. So then you have to fight your way out and go around and find another, maybe easier way to enter. We don't want that to be the case.

The easier we make it to find information, the easier it will be on the searcher. The avenues of Social Media are just such an example. It is a grass-roots-up method which means some every day Joe discovers a great find and wants to tell all his friends about it. This creates another way to access information easily.

Well guess what? Pinterest comes to the fore once again. If you are trying to find Vital Records for your ancestor, try typing ‘vital records’ (without the quotes) into the search field on Pinterest. There is a growing collection of websites and blogs that cover this very thing. This just may be the path of least resistance for which you have been looking. If you are a member you can also add more pins of places that fit the category, which will in turn help other people.

When you can’t find something, try to think of every conceivable way to hunt it down. Pinterest is yet another option in that search.

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

Like what you read? Let us know.


Summer Reading Program will be starting soon. Watch for announcements on that and registration information. This is for ages Adults through young children! Come Join Us - and explore new worlds. There will be programming for Adults as well as the Children.

You can find our website at 
And our other blog at RPL's Movies and Music

 Abigail Adams

Today in History
March 31

The great massacre of the French in Sicily The Sicilian Vespers comes to an end.

In France, Francis–king since 1515–dies and is succeeded by his son Henry II.

Abigail Adams writes to husband John that women are "determined to foment a rebellion" if the new Declaration of Independence fails to guarantee their rights.

Russia and Turkey sign a treaty by which they promise to take no military action in the Crimea.

In Paris, France, Maximilien Robespierre is elected president of the Jacobin Club.

The first monthly installment of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens is published in London.

Skirmishing between Rebels and Union forces takes place at Island 10 on the Mississippi River.

The first electric street lights ever installed by a municipality are turned on in Wabash, Indiana.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris officially opens on the Left Bank as part of the Exhibition of 1889.

General John Pershing and his army rout Pancho Villa's army in Mexico.

The United States purchases the Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25 million.

Daylight Savings Time goes into effect throughout the United States for the first time.

Great Britain declares a state of emergency because of the thousands of coal miners on strike.

To relieve rampant unemployment, Congress authorizes the Civilian Conservation Corps .

Britain and France agree to support Poland if Germany threatens to invade.

La Guardia airport in New York officially opens to the public.

Germany begins a counter offensive in North Africa.

The United States and Britain bar a Soviet supported provisional regime in Warsaw from entering the U.N. meeting in San Francisco.

The Soviet Union begins controlling the Western trains headed toward Berlin.

Winston Churchill declares that the A-bomb was the only thing that kept the Soviet Union from taking over Europe.

The siege of Dien Bien Phu, the last French outpost in Vietnam, begins after the Viet Minh realize it cannot be taken by direct assault.

The South African government declares a state of emergency after demonstrations lead to the deaths of more than 50 Africans.

An estimated 200,000 anti-war demonstrators march in New York City.

President Lyndon Johnson signs the Consular Treaty, the first bi-lateral pact with the Soviet Union since the Bolshevik Revolution.

U.S. forces in Vietnam down a MIG-21, the first since September 1968.

President Jimmy Carter deregulates the banking industry.

Albania offers a multi-party election for the first time in 50 years.
Born on March 31

René Descartes, French philosopher and scientist.

Andrew Marvell, English poet and politician.

John Harrison, Englishman who invented the chronometer.

Franz Joseph Haydn, Austrian composer.

Edward Fitzgerald, American writer.

Nikolai V. Gogol, Russian writer (The Inspector General, Dead Souls).

Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, chemist, inventor of the Bunsen burner.

Sir Dugald Clerk, inventor of the two-stroke motorcycle engine.

Jack Johnson, first Africa-American boxer to become the world heavyweight champion.

Octavio Paz, Mexican diplomat and Nobel Prize-winning writer.

Henry Morgan, comedian, radio performer.

John Fowles, English novelist (The Collector, The French Lieutenant's Woman).

Marge Piercy, poet and novelist.

Al Gore, Vice President to President William J. Clinton (1993-2001).

Franz Joseph Haydn 
Henry Morgan

A school principal may not behave in an autocratic manner, but he or she is a prince or princess, etymologically speaking. Both have descended from the same parents: Latin prime (first) + capere (to take).

The antiquated custom of royalty, with inherited offices, divine rights, and privy purses is thankfully becoming rare. Yet they live on in the language. Things royal are big, such as a royal pain. In chemistry, we have aqua regia (literally, royal water), a highly corrosive liquid. A king's ransom is a very large sum of money. A royalty was a right granted by a king to a person or corporation, especially the right to mine an area. From there the term extended to payments made to authors, composers, etc.

This week we'll regale you with five other words tracing their lineage to royalty.

PS: If you see someone confusing the words principal and principle, cut them a little slack. The two words differ by only a letter and have the same (princely) heritage.



noun: The period between the end of a reign and the beginning of the next; a time when there is no ruler.

From Latin, from inter- (between) + regnum (reign). Ultimately from the Indo-European reg- (to move in a straight line, lead, or rule), which also gave us regime, direct, rectangle, erect, rectum, alert, source, surge, recto, prorogue, arrogate, abrogate, regent, and supererogatory. Earliest documented use: 1579.

"Janet Yellen was acting chairwoman during the weekend interregnum."
Binyamin Appelbaum; Bernanke Starts New Role as Yellen Takes Fed Helm; The New York Times; Feb 3, 2014.

Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it. -Rene Descartes, philosopher and mathematician (1596-1650)

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods



1 pound lasagna noodles
8 eggs
1 cup mozzarella
1 cup cheddar
1 cup ricotta

3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
1 pound raw loose breakfast sausage
1 onion
1 (14 oz) can Muir Glen diced tomatoes


  • 1 Make the sauce: Brown up the sausage and remove from the pan. In the same pan, cook the onions to lightly brown. Add in the butter and flour and stirr well, cooking for about 2 minutes. Whisk in the milk and bring to a simmer. Remove from heat and add the sausage back in. Strain the diced tomatoes and stir into the sauce.
  • 2 Cook the noodles in a pot of boiling water until tender.
  • 3 In a small bowl, crack and whisk two eggs. Prepare a frying pan to cook the eggs that is the same size as your round baking dishes.
  • 4 In the baking dish, start with a thin layer of sauce, followed by the first layer of noodles, then some more sauce and all three cheeses. Cook the first egg round for only a few minutes without flipping until it has just barely set on top. Transfer the egg to the top of the noodles then repeat with another layer of everything.
  • 5 Top with a final pasta layer and a little more cheese and sauce and bake at 400 for about 15 minutes.
  • 6 If you want to save this in the fridge or freezer, that's fine, but I would suggest boiling the pasta a little less and baking it for a bit longer before serving.
  • 7 Recipe makes enough for two 8-inch baking rounds.

March Recipes – Breakfast Foods

Mar 12th Mini Quiche
Mar 13th Red Velvet Waffles, with cream cheese gravy – (I didn’t say they would be healthy!)
Mar 14th Triple Berry Smoothie – not just for breakfast any more.
Healthy recipes:
Mar 22nd Eggs Italiano
Mar 24th Golden Polenta and Egg, w/ mustard sauce (looks like it would be good for supper, too.)
Other recipes


Now You Know!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pinterest Revisited

Genealogy tip for the day: Social Media – Pinterest

Last year we talked about the use of social media to do your genealogy research. Although social media won’t give you information on where your great aunt is buried, or where you third cousin got married it will do many other things that are helpful.

In July of 2013 I mentioned on the 22nd about Pinterest. If you will either click on this link, or go to the tab above (Our Posts on Previous Blog)  and click, then scroll down to the 22nd you will see where we discussed Pinterest. But given that just recently I have once again used this website, myself, I thought I would remind you of it as well.

You can search for family trees, genealogy, genealogy tips, and genealogy forms – any number of related words on Pinterest. What a lot of folks have done is ‘pin’ websites and ideas (among other things) of genealogical interest to their genealogy boards.

You could use even more specific terms to search than what is suggested above, such as the history of a local county, or a genealogy society, or genealogical library… The sky is the limit! 

This is yet another way to look for new ideas, possibilities or websites you didn't know about. This gives a whole new meaning to ‘being pinned.’ If you have looked at a while back, try it again. If you never have, check it out. It is a free board. You only have to register!

“History is who we are; Genealogy is who I am” sg

Like what you read? Let us know.


Summer Reading Program will be starting soon. Watch for announcements on that and registration information. This is for ages Adults through young children! Come Join Us - and explore new worlds. There will be programming for Adults as well as the Children.

You can find our website at 
And our other blog at RPL's Movies and Music

Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower
dies on this date, 1969

March 28

Britain passes the Coercive Act against rebellious Massachusetts.

Britain and France declare war on Russia.

A group of Copperheads attack Federal soldiers in Charleston, Illinois. Five are killed and twenty wounded.

The Salvation Army is officially organized in the United States.

Automobile owners lobby Congress in support of a bill that calls for vehicle licensing and federal registration.

The first seaplane takes off from water at Martinques, France.

The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) is founded, Great Britain's first official service women.

President Warren Harding names William Howard Taft as chief justice of the United States.

Constantinople and Angora change their names to Istanbul and Ankara respectively.

Nazis order a ban on all Jews in businesses, professions and schools.

The Spanish Civil War ends as Madrid falls to Francisco Franco.

The Italian fleet is routed by the British at the Battle of Battle of Cape Matapan

English novelist Virginia Woolf throws herself into the River Ouse near her home in Sussex. Her body is never found.

A British ship, the HMS Capbeltown, a Lend-Lease American destroyer, which was specifically rammed into a German occupied dry-dock in France, explodes, knocking the area out of action for the German battleship Tirpitz.

Germany launches the last of its V-2 rockets against England.

Juan Peron is elected President of Argentina. He will hold the office for six years.

The U.S. Air Force announces research into the use of lasers to intercept missiles and satellites.

Dwight D. Eisenhower dies at Walter Reed General Hospital in Washington, D.C.

A major accident occurs at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island nuclear power plant

The U.S. Senate passes $100 million aid package for the Nicaraguan contras.

Jesse Owens receives the Congressional Gold Medal from President George Bush.

An American Stealth F117 Nighthawk is shot down over northern Yugoslavia during NATO air strikes.
Born on March 28

Samuel Sewall, British colonial merchant and one of the Salem witch trial judges.

Wade Hampton, Confederate general in the American Civil War.

Aristide Briand, premier of France (1909-22).

Maxim Gorky, Russian short story writer and novelist.

James McCudden, the first RAF pilot to receive the Victoria Cross.

Nelson Algren, novelist (The Man with the Golden Arm, A Walk on the Wild Side).

Frederick Exley, American novelist (A Fan's Notes).

Jerome Isaac Friedman, American physicist, helped confirm the existence of quarks.

Mario Vargas Llosa, Peruvian novelist (Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, Death in the Andes).

Presentation of Congressional Gold Medal

Jesse Owens races
Jesse Owens

trump card

(trump kard) 

1. In card games, a suit chosen to rank above the others.

2. Something that gives an overriding, decisive advantage.

An alteration of the word triumph, which was the name of an old card game. Earliest documented use: 1823.

"How big a factor might home advantage be for Kilkenny? Potentially, it could be their trump card."
Vincent Hogan; Kilkenny v Tipperary; Irish Independent (Dublin); Jul 2, 2013. 

The mind is the effect, not the cause. -Daniel C. Dennett, philosopher (b. 1942) 

Today’s Recipe
March - Breakfast Foods


Cooking spray
4 ounces thinly sliced lower-sodium deli ham
4 large eggs
4 English muffins, split and toasted
4 (1-ounce) slices Emmentaler or Swiss cheese


1. Preheat broiler to high.
2. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Coat the pan with cooking spray. Add ham to pan; sauté 2 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from pan. Recoat pan with cooking spray. Crack eggs into pan. Cover and cook for 4 minutes or until desired degree of doneness. Remove from heat.
3. Place 4 muffin halves, cut sides up, on a baking sheet. Top each half with 1 cheese slice. Broil for 2 minutes or until cheese melts. Divide ham among cheese-topped muffin halves; top each with 1 egg and 1 muffin half.

Nutritional Information

Amount per serving
Calories: 344 
Fat: 14.7g 
Saturated fat: 6.7g 
Monounsaturated fat: 4.1g 
Polyunsaturated fat: 1.5g
Protein: 23.5g 
Carbohydrate: 29.1g 
Fiber: 0.0g 
Cholesterol: 250mg 
Iron: 2mg
Sodium: 553mg
Calcium: 351mg

Mar 12th Mini Quiche
Mar 13th Red Velvet Waffles, with cream cheese gravy – (I didn’t say they would be healthy!)
Mar 14th Triple Berry Smoothie – not just for breakfast any more.
Healthy recipes:
Mar 22nd Eggs Italiano
Mar 24th Golden Polenta and Egg, w/ mustard sauce (looks like it would be good for supper, too.)
Other recipes


Now You Know!